How long does it take to recover from an ingrown toenail surgery?

How long does it take to recover from an ingrown toenail surgery?

How long is the recovery from ingrown toenail surgery? Recovery normally takes between four to six weeks. Walking is possible immediately, and patients can return to work after 48 hours. Our advice is to wear open-toe shoes for seven days after the surgery to promote healing and comfort.

How bad does your ingrown toenail have to be for surgery?

You should consider surgery if you meet one or more of the following conditions: Pain is severe. You have difficulty wearing shoes or performing daily tasks. You notice any signs of infection—swelling, redness, pus, etc.

Is it worth it to get ingrown toenail surgery?

Many ingrown toenails can be successfully treated with home care. But if you have complications, such as a skin infection, or if you get a lot of ingrown toenails, surgery may help. People with diabetes or other conditions that affect the foot may be more likely to need surgery.

Will a nail salon fix an ingrown toenail?

Ingrown toenails are a common issue in the salon. While techs are not permitted to treat this condition, nail pros can help prevent ingrown toenails.

How is ingrown toenail surgery done in the office?

Ingrown toenail surgery is an in-office procedure that is performed with a local anesthetic. Two shots are given at the base of the toe and a local anesthetic such as Novocaine is injected.

What does it mean to have an ingrown toenail?

Ingrown toenail. An ingrown toenail is a common problem where the nail grows into the toe. It can be painful, but there are things you can do to ease the pain. You usually get an ingrown toenail on your big toe.

When to see a doctor for an ingrown toenail?

If you do need surgery, it can be done in a doctor’s office with local anesthesia. You may need to see a podiatrist or foot specialist. Complications of ingrown toenail surgery are rare. After several days of rest, you’ll be able to return to normal activities.

What kind of anesthesia is used for ingrown toenail surgery?

Ingrown toenail surgery is usually an outpatient procedure that involves the use of local anesthesia. Local anesthesia means that the person remains awake, but the doctor numbs the area so that the person cannot feel their toe. Some doctors offer a sedative or twilight anesthesia during the surgery.

How to fix an infected great toe?

How to Fix Ingrown Toenails Quickly and Easily. Fill a basin with hot water and add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt or table salt. Stir the bath water with a plastic spoon until the salt dissolves. Soak the affected foot for 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times each day until the swelling goes down. Rinse the foot in warm, soapy water, then clear water. Dry the foot thoroughly with a towel.

What is the best way to treat an ingrown toenail?

Ingrown toenail treatments may involve home remedies such as soaking the affected foot in warm water and the use of over-the-counter medications; treatment by a doctor may be necessary in some cases. In many situations, treatments can be successfully performed at home.

What is the recovery time for ingrown toenail surgery?

The following photos below show recovery of the toenail and the surrounding skin following the nail surgery. Healing times vary according to the severity of the ingrowing toenail and the individual patient. Healing typically takes 3-6 weeks or longer.

What is the best treatment for ingrown toenails?

Apple cider vinegar is readily available and can be effectively used to treat ingrown toenails. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties are great for reducing pain and swelling. Since it is acidic in nature, it greatly helps in reducing the chances of infection.