How long does it take for bladder cancer to come back?

How long does it take for bladder cancer to come back?

Nearly three-fourths of patients diagnosed with high-risk bladder cancer will recur, progress, or die within ten years of their diagnosis. Even though most patients do not die of bladder cancer, the vast majority endures the morbidity of recurrence and progression of their cancer.

Can bladder cancer disappear?

For other people, bladder cancer might never go away completely or might come back in another part of the body. Some people may get regular treatment with chemotherapy , immunotherapy, or other treatments to try to keep the cancer in check.

How is chemotherapy used to treat bladder cancer?

This type of chemo is used for bladder cancer that’s only in the lining of the bladder. It’s described in Intravesical Therapy for Bladder Cancer. When chemo drugs are given in pill form or injected into a vein (IV) or muscle (IM), the drugs go into the bloodstream and travel throughout the body. This is called systemic chemotherapy.

How to live with bladder cancer after treatment?

Learning to live with cancer that doesn’t go away can be difficult and very stressful. Life after bladder cancer means returning to some familiar things and also making some new choices. After treatment, your doctors will still want to watch you closely.

How long does it take to get chemo out of your bladder?

Your doctor or specialist nurse puts a liquid chemotherapy drug into the catheter. You usually keep the drug in the bladder for 1 or 2 hours. Some hospitals may ask you to change position every now and again to make sure the drug reaches all parts of your bladder. After the time is up your nurse will drain the liquid out through the catheter.

What are the chances of surviving Stage 4 bladder cancer?

This means that with treatment you have a 15 percent chance of surviving for 5 years after a diagnosis of stage 4 bladder cancer. If the bladder cancer has spread to the regional lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is 34 percent.

How often should you have chemotherapy for bladder cancer?

If you have a moderate risk of your cancer coming back, you have this treatment once a week for 6 weeks. You may also have this treatment if your cancer comes back after the initial surgery and chemotherapy treatment.

Can a cancer treatment cause urinary and bladder problems?

Ask your doctor what symptoms to call about—such as fever or pain, for example. Some cancer treatments, such as those listed below, may cause urinary and bladder problems: Radiation therapy to the pelvis (including reproductive organs, the bladder, colon and rectum) can irritate the bladder and urinary tract.

Which is better for bladder cancer, chemotherapy or BCG?

BCG is usually started a few weeks after surgery and is given every week for several weeks. Intravesical BCG seems to be better than intravesical chemotherapy for high-grade cancers. It can help both keep these cancers from coming back and keep them from getting worse. But it also tends to have more side effects.

When to see a doctor after bladder cancer treatment?

After completing treatment for bladder cancer, you should see your doctor regularly. Let them know about any new symptoms or problems, because they could be caused by the cancer coming back, a new disease, or a second cancer.