How long does it take for a broken fibula to heal after surgery?

How long does it take for a broken fibula to heal after surgery?

For minor fibula fractures or breaks, it may only take about six weeks to make a full recovery. However, in most cases involving a broken fibula, it will take at least twice that amount of time, if not longer.

What causes swelling in the leg after a break?

Any break causes a significant amount of damage to the tissue in the surrounding area. Leakage from the tissues and small blood vessels will cause edema. The body also naturally has an inflammatory response as a way of protecting itself after trauma. This is another reason for swelling.

How long does it take to fix a broken leg?

Severe fractures are often treated with surgery to realign and fix the broken bones. Surgeons can fix bones with metal wires, plates, screws or rods. Plates, screws and rods will usually be left in place permanently unless they become a problem, whereas wires will be removed 4 to 6 weeks after the operation.

When to worry about swelling after a foot break?

But any significant loss of feeling should be checked out. The swelling of the foot is likely to be most apparent in the time just after the break. However, some breaks take quite a while to mend, and swelling may also persist for a while. Some people even find that the swelling will recur in that foot after they have had a break.

What happens to the blood supply after a broken leg?

Damage around the fracture can occur during the initial injury or during surgery. It may lead to loss of movement or feeling, or may affect the blood supply to the limb. This is more likely if surgery is performed or the broken bone stuck out of the skin.

Any break causes a significant amount of damage to the tissue in the surrounding area. Leakage from the tissues and small blood vessels will cause edema. The body also naturally has an inflammatory response as a way of protecting itself after trauma. This is another reason for swelling.

What causes swelling in the ankle after a fracture?

The swelling is more from the ankle ligament and soft tissue trauma. It may well swell for several months and aroubd the actual ankle it may always swell relative to the other side. Swelling is also caused from the reduced activity as the body relies on the muscle pump of the calf and foot muscles to push it back out from the extremity.

Why do I get edema in my leg after surgery?

But, in practice, the most common cause for edema after surgery is too much fluid in the body. There are three basic causes for this. The first, is that patients receive fluids during surgery. Sometimes that fluid is given at a high rate.

But any significant loss of feeling should be checked out. The swelling of the foot is likely to be most apparent in the time just after the break. However, some breaks take quite a while to mend, and swelling may also persist for a while. Some people even find that the swelling will recur in that foot after they have had a break.