How long does a calf sprain take to heal?

How long does a calf sprain take to heal?

In total, it usually takes up to three days for a pulled calf muscle to start feeling better. But a full recovery may take up to six weeks, according to Oxford University Hospitals. Severe swelling can make any pain and discomfort last a bit longer. Walking on recovering calf muscles can also increase recovery time.

How long does a strained calf take to heal?

When to worry about a calf muscle strain?

While it may be difficult to rest your affected leg for a few days, moving around too soon can make the muscle strain worse. There’s also a risk for a recurring calf muscle strain within one to two weeks of the initial injury. About 30 percent of people with muscle injuries end up having repeated injuries.

What does it mean when you have a pulled calf muscle?

A pulled calf muscle refers to strains within the two muscles in the lower back of your leg that make up your calf. They’re called the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. When a strain occurs, muscle fibers are torn to some degree.

What’s the relationship between age and calf injuries?

The Relationship Between Age and Calf Injuries. In our article about Common Running Injuries in Men, we found that particular injuries that are common among male runners—knee osteoarthritis, meniscus tears and calf strains—are also conspicuously more frequent as runners get older.

How long does it take to recover from a calf strain?

​​​Grade 1 calf strain: The muscle is stretched causing some small micro tears in the muscle fibers. A person will be able to continue the activity but will have pain. Full recovery takes approximately two weeks. Grade 2 calf strain: There is partial tearing of muscle fibers, so a person will be unable to continue the activity.

How to tell if you have a strain in your calf?

Calf strains (which most commonly occur in the gastrocnemius muscle) may be minor or very severe and are typically graded as follows: ​​​ Grade 1 calf strain: The muscle is stretched causing some small micro tears in the muscle fibers. A person will be able to continue the activity but will have pain.

When to start exercises for a calf strain?

Exercises for Calf Muscle Strain. After two or three weeks of applying ice and heat treatments, you can start to use exercises for calf muscle strain. If you have suffered a grade 2 or grade 3 calf muscle tear, you should also consult with your doctor to get the extent of the injury assessed properly.

What should I do if I pulled my calf muscle?

The most effective home treatments for pulled, strained, or torn calf muscles are plenty of rest and avoiding straining the muscle more. Just after a calf muscle injury, the best treatment is to ice the back of your leg to prevent further swelling.

What does it mean to have a torn calf muscle?

A torn muscle in the calf describes a serious muscle injury that causes muscle tissue in the back of your leg to tear away from tendons. The torn calf muscle may also show signs of bruising in your lower leg behind the knee.