How long can I wait for rotator cuff surgery?

How long can I wait for rotator cuff surgery?

Rotator cuff tears usually produce symptoms of weakness and pain especially on trying to lift the arm. When an acute injury results in a rotator cuff tear consideration should be given to a surgical repair within six weeks of the injury to avoid atrophy of the muscle and tendon.

What kind of surgery is needed for a torn rotator cuff?

If your rotator cuff is injured, you may need to repair it surgically. This may include shaving off bone spurs that are pinching the shoulder, or repairing torn tendons or muscles in the shoulder. Surgical techniques that may be used to repair a tear of the rotator cuff include arthroscopy, open surgery, or a combination of both.

What happens if a rotator cuff tear is not repaired?

One myth about rotator cuff tears is that the shoulder is doomed if the tendon is not repaired. The reality is that some people can have good range of motion and function with torn rotator cuff tendons. The degree of symptoms after a failed rotator cuff repair depends upon many factors.

What are the goals of rotator cuff repair?

The goals of repair are to restore normal and painless motion and full strength to the affected shoulder: the rotator cuff tear is identified and loose, degenerated, and frayed tissue around the cuff edge must be removed back to healthy tissue. This process is called débridement.

What should I do after rotator cuff surgery?

Do And Don’ts After Rotator… From throwing a baseball to waving the hand in greeting or even lifting heavy objects, you do a variety of tasks with your shoulders. However, sometimes a sudden injury or repetitive movements can damage the muscles and tendons in your shoulder and cause the rotator cuff to tear.

What is the recovery period for rotator cuff surgery?

The average recovery time for the rotator cuff surgery is about 5-6 months, but some people might take longer to recover. The success rate of this procedure is higher, if the tear is repaired soon after the surgery, and the tendon was healthy prior to the injury.

How do you treat a rotator cuff without surgery?

The majority of rotator cuff tears can be treated without surgery. Doctors generally prescribe physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medication. Sometimes patients receive a steroid injection to reduce the pain and inflammation, and this makes physical therapy easier.

What are the risks of rotator cuff surgery?

In general, surgery involving anesthesia, which includes rotator cuff surgery, poses a slight risk of stroke, heart attack, pneumonia, or blood clot. Damage to adjacent nerves and blood vessels. One study found that 1 to 2% of patients going through rotator cuff surgery experience nerve damage.

What to expect from rotator cuff repair?

Here is what to expect after a rotator cuff repair: Pain (Mild to Moderate) – There will be some pain immediately after surgery. Care will be taken to make sure that you experience as little pain as possible. Immobilization – The first 4 to 6 weeks after surgery, you will have limited use of your arm.