How long after C-section Can I have another baby?

How long after C-section Can I have another baby?

In general, you should wait at least 6 months before getting pregnant again after a C-section. That’s the bare minimum needed; some experts suggest it’s better to wait 12 to 15 months, while others say 18 to 24 months. How long you, specifically, should wait should be a conversation with your doctor.

What are the risks of a second c-section?

Risks of multiple C-sections

  • uterine rupture.
  • bladder complications.
  • bowel adhesions or lacerations.
  • omentum adhesions.
  • blood vessel complications.
  • excessive bleeding.
  • need for blood transfusions.
  • hysterectomy.

Do C sections hurt the second time?

A C-Section Is Not as Traumatic the Second Time Around Let’s just lay it out there: An emergency C-section isn’t the dream outcome when you go into labor. You’re tired, you’re scared, and you’re in pain.

How often does a baby come out by C section?

About 1 of every 3 newborns in the United States are delivered by cesarean section, or C-section. That’s when the baby comes out through a cut in the mother’s belly and uterus rather than going through the birth canal and coming out through the vagina.

Who was the woman who had two C sections?

Even the same person can have two entirely different experiences when having C-sections. According to People, Gwyneth Paltrow had a C-section with son, Moses, after her experience of having a delivery that took over 70 hours with her daughter, Apple.

When to choose an auspicious date for a C-section?

Every parent hope their child to be born in an auspicious day that is blessed with good fortune in the future. If you decide to do a cesarean (c-section), you’d better choose a good date to do so.

What happens if you have multiple C sections?

Women who have multiple C-sections are at increased risk of placental problems as well as heavy bleeding, which might require surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy). If you’re considering a planned C-section for your first delivery, work with your health care provider to make the best decision for you and your baby.

Can a second baby be born via C section?

I think this holds true for all second babies, not just those born via C-section. The fact is, nobody makes as big of a deal over the second baby as they do the first. With my first pregnancy, I felt like the first woman to ever give birth in the entire world.

Is it safe to have a vaginal delivery after a C-section?

For years, women who’d had a C-section were encouraged to skip vaginal deliveries altogether and schedule C-sections for all future births. But these days, a vaginal birth after cesarean (or VBAC) is considered a safe option for many women and their babies.

What happens when you have an emergency C section?

Let’s just lay it out there: An emergency C-section isn’t the dream outcome when you go into labor. You’re tired, you’re scared, and you’re in pain. You feel completely out of control. A planned C-section is a different cup of tea altogether.

Is it a big deal to have a second baby?

The fact is, nobody makes as big of a deal over the second baby as they do the first. With my first pregnancy, I felt like the first woman to ever give birth in the entire world. He was the first baby in our family in over 20 years, so it was a huge deal for everyone in my life.