How is posterior disc protrusion treated?

How is posterior disc protrusion treated?

Nonsurgical treatment may include:

  1. Rest. One to 2 days of bed rest will usually help relieve back and leg pain.
  2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). Medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen can help relieve pain.
  3. Physical therapy.
  4. Epidural steroid injection.

Can a disc protrusion heal itself?

Usually a herniated disc heals on its own. So most of the time nonsurgical treatment is tried first, including: Heat or ice, exercise, and other steps at home to help with pain and make your back stronger.

What does it mean to have posterior disc protrusion?

A posterior disc protrusion is a disc that has bulged toward the posterior — rear, or away from the abdomen — of its usual position. The posterior side of the disc is adjacent to the spinal cord and nerve roots branching off the spinal cord. A posterior bulge, therefore, can place direct pressure on these sensitive nerves.

What can be done about protrusion in the lumbar region?

Treatment of protrusion of the discs of the lumbar region and other parts of the spine should be aimed at preventing the growth of osteochondrosis manifestations of the spinal column: the correct mode of the working day, the exclusion of a significant and long-term load, and heavy physical labor.

When do you need treatment for central disc protrusion?

Treatment for Central Disc Protrusion. Treatment for central disc protrusion is required if the patient is experiencing debilitating symptoms, such as chronic pain and decreased mobility due to nerve compression from the herniated disc.

Which is the most dangerous type of disc protrusion?

Dorsal protrusion of discs. The most dangerous variant of pathology. More common in the lumbar spine. The difference of this protrusion from its other varieties is that with such a violation the bulge is directed towards the canal of the spinal cord.

What are the symptoms of a L5 S1 disc protrusion?

The jelly-like inner substance can squeeze out to the side and touch or put pressure on one of the spinal nerves. This is commonly called a disc protrusion, also known as a herniated, slipped, or ruptured disc. Symptoms of L5 S1 Disc Protrusion One symptom of disc protrusion is tingling, numbness, or weakness from the lower back down the leg.

Where does a disc protrusion occur in the back?

Normally the disc wall stretches causing a disc bulge (protrusion) but the ruptured disc may extrude or a fragment may part company from the disc itself when it is termed a sequestrum. Where does it hurt? A disc protrusion or bulge can occur anywhere along the length of the spinal column from the neck to the lower back.

Treatment of protrusion of the discs of the lumbar region and other parts of the spine should be aimed at preventing the growth of osteochondrosis manifestations of the spinal column: the correct mode of the working day, the exclusion of a significant and long-term load, and heavy physical labor.

How are injections used to treat disc protrusion?

Medications should influence the development of dystrophic processes in the tissues and remove the inflammatory reaction. The injections with protrusion of the discs are prescribed during the first few days of treatment: the most common solution of diclofenac sodium is 2.5% for intramuscular injections.