How does spinal stenosis affect the body?

How does spinal stenosis affect the body?

Spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spaces in your spine, can compress your spinal cord and nerve roots exiting each vertebrae. Age-related changes in your spine is a common cause. Symptoms include back and/or neck pain, and numbness, tingling and weakness in your arms and legs.

What are the symptoms of spinal stenosis in lower back?

Although spinal stenosis can happen anywhere along the spinal column, the lower back (number one most common area) and neck are common areas. Symptoms vary from person to person and may come and go. Symptoms of lower back (lumbar) spinal stenosis include: Pain in the lower back.

Is it painful to walk with spinal stenosis?

The patient will experience a progressive combination of back and leg pain or heaviness that comes on with standing and walking and is relieved by sitting or lying down. Spinal stenosis is painful, but not like you would think.

Can a narrowing of the spinal canal cause back pain? Spinal Stenosis Spinal stenosis is a term used to describe a narrowing of the spinal canal. The narrowing may not cause any symptoms. However, the narrowing may progress to cause squeezing (compression) of the spinal nerves . Spinal stenosis can cause back pain and/or leg pain. Most often it occurs when you walk.

Is it possible for lumbar spinal stenosis to go away?

If you have known other people with back pain, you may be waiting and hoping that your symptoms will just go away. But lumbar spinal stenosis behaves differently than many other causes of back pain. Lumbar spinal stenosis is a progressive condition that generally worsens if you do nothing. It doesn’t just go away.

What are the leading causes of spinal stenosis?

  • Aging. Spinal stenosis is most common in people over 50.
  • Back Surgery. A less common cause of spinal stenosis is back surgery.
  • Herniated Discs. One common cause of spinal stenosis is a herniated disk.
  • Trauma.
  • Paget’s Disease.
  • Tumors.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Thickening Ligaments.
  • Genetics.

    What does it feel like to have spinal stenosis?

    Spinal stenosis occurs most often in the lower back and the neck. Some people with spinal stenosis may not have symptoms. Others may experience pain, tingling, numbness and muscle weakness. Symptoms can worsen over time.

    What are the symptoms of severe spinal stenosis?

    Symptoms of spinal stenosis caused by compression of the nerves include pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness along the path of the nerve being compressed. Symptoms of spinal stenosis that develops in the neck include myelopathy, numbness, tingling, weakness, or cramping in the arms and hands.

    Is there a cure for spinal stenosis?

    There is no cure for spinal stenosis, but there are treatments to help relieve symptoms. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can ease swelling and pain. If they don’t do the trick, your doctor can prescribe higher-dose medication. Your doctor may also recommend cortisone injections.