How does smoking affect you and your baby during pregnancy?

How does smoking affect you and your baby during pregnancy?

Lower the amount of oxygen available to you and your growing baby. Increase your baby’s heart rate. Increase the chances of miscarriage, stillbirth and SIDS. Increase the risk that your baby is born prematurely and/or born with low birth weight. Increase your baby’s risk of developing respiratory problems.

How many pregnant women are exposed to tobacco smoke?

A Canadian study showed that 70% of women who smoked prior to pregnancy continued to do so at the time of delivery [9]. In the USA, under 26% of female smokers will abstain from smoking during pregnancy, and as many as 10.7% of all pregnancies are exposed to maternal tobacco consumption [1,10].

What kind of birth defects can you get from smoking?

Smoking raises your baby’s risk for birth defects, including cleft lip, cleft palate, or both. A cleft is an opening in your baby’s lip or in the roof of her mouth (palate).

When is the best time to stop smoking during pregnancy?

Stopping smoking completely as early as possible during pregnancy is best for your health and the health of your baby. Smoking while pregnant exposes you and your unborn child to an increased risk of health problems.

Lower the amount of oxygen available to you and your growing baby. Increase your baby’s heart rate. Increase the chances of miscarriage, stillbirth and SIDS. Increase the risk that your baby is born prematurely and/or born with low birth weight. Increase your baby’s risk of developing respiratory problems.

A Canadian study showed that 70% of women who smoked prior to pregnancy continued to do so at the time of delivery [9]. In the USA, under 26% of female smokers will abstain from smoking during pregnancy, and as many as 10.7% of all pregnancies are exposed to maternal tobacco consumption [1,10].

Smoking raises your baby’s risk for birth defects, including cleft lip, cleft palate, or both. A cleft is an opening in your baby’s lip or in the roof of her mouth (palate).

How can I avoid smoking during my pregnancy?

Here are some tips: Hide your matches, lighters, and ashtrays. Designate your home a non-smoking area. Ask people who smoke not to smoke around you. Drink fewer caffeinated beverages. Caffeine might stimulate your urge to smoke. Also avoid alcohol, as it also might increase your urge to smoke and can be harmful to your baby.