How does intrauterine insemination work?

How does intrauterine insemination work?

IUI stands for in intrauterine insemination. It’s also sometimes called donor insemination, alternative insemination, or artificial insemination. IUI works by putting sperm cells directly into your uterus around the time you’re ovulating, helping the sperm get closer to your egg.

What is the difference between IVF and IUI?

The main difference between an IUI and IVF treatments are: IVF is a process involving egg stimulation, retrieval, fertilization, and transfer; whereas, an IUI injects sperm into a uterus to decrease the sperm’s travel time to the egg.

What is the difference between IUI and normal pregnancy?

The hoped-for outcome of intrauterine insemination is for the sperm to swim into the fallopian tube and fertilize a waiting egg, resulting in a normal pregnancy. Depending on the reasons for infertility, IUI can be coordinated with your normal cycle or with fertility medications.

What do you need to know about intrauterine insemination?

Intrauterine insemination ( IUI) — a type of artificial insemination — is a procedure for treating infertility. Sperm that have been washed and concentrated are placed directly in your uterus around the time your ovary releases one or more eggs to be fertilized.

What’s the difference between IUI and donor insemination?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a simple procedure that puts sperm directly inside your uterus, which helps healthy sperm get closer to your egg. IUI stands for in intrauterine insemination. It’s also sometimes called donor insemination, alternative insemination, or artificial insemination.

What kind of insemination is used for infertility?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Print. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) — a type of artificial insemination — is a procedure for treating infertility. Sperm that have been washed and concentrated are placed directly in your uterus around the time your ovary releases one or more eggs to be fertilized.

What does IUI stand for in medical terms?

IUI stands for in intrauterine insemination. It’s also sometimes called donor insemination, alternative insemination, or artificial insemination. IUI works by putting sperm cells directly into your uterus around the time you’re ovulating, helping the sperm get closer to your egg.

What are the potential risks of intrauterine insemination?

Risks and potential complications of IUI include: Side effects from fertility medicines including headaches, hot flashes, mood swings, and bloating. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) can also occur. Infection Multiple births from fertilizing more than one egg

When is the best time for an intrauterine insemination?

The IUI should be performed 6 hours prior to the time of ovulation or 6 hours after the ovulation. This will increase the chances of fertilization of the egg that is released.

What are the success rates of intrauterine insemination (IUI)?

The success of IUI depends on several factors. If a couple has the procedure performed each month, success rates may reach as high as 20% per cycle depending on variables such as female age, the reason for infertility, and whether fertility drugs were used, among other variables.

What to avoid after IUI?

Exercise After an IUI. According to the National Infertility Association, it is advisable to avoid vigorous exercise after an IUI because exercise can raise your heart rate and body temperature excessively.