How does drug use affect your physical health?

How does drug use affect your physical health?

Physical Health Consequences of Drug Use. Physical Health Drug abuse can adversely affect every major system in the human body. Teens who abuse drugs may engage in behavior that places them at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. This may happen because they are injecting drugs and sharing used needles,…

What are the short term effects of drugs?

These effects often depend on the specific drug or drugs used, how they are taken, how much is taken, the person’s health, and other factors. Short-term effects can range from changes in appetite, wakefulness, heart rate, blood pressure, and/or mood to heart attack, stroke, psychosis, overdose, and even death.

Are there any negative effects of illegal drugs?

Health Effects of Illegal Drugs. Many illicit drug users may think that the only bad thing about doing drugs is that they are illegal and if you get caught, you can go to jail. The truth is there are negative health effects associated with every illegal drug out there and some of them can be fatal.

Are there any negative health effects from MDMA?

Although MDMA (also called ecstasy) is a so-called designer drug, negative health effects associated with its use are similar to those experienced by amphetamines and cocaine users.

Physical Health Consequences of Drug Use. Physical Health Drug abuse can adversely affect every major system in the human body. Teens who abuse drugs may engage in behavior that places them at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. This may happen because they are injecting drugs and sharing used needles,…

Health Effects of Illegal Drugs. Many illicit drug users may think that the only bad thing about doing drugs is that they are illegal and if you get caught, you can go to jail. The truth is there are negative health effects associated with every illegal drug out there and some of them can be fatal.

What are the effects of different types of drugs?

Different drugs can have different effects. Some effects of drugs include health consequences that are long-lasting and permanent. They can even continue after a person has stopped taking the substance. There are a few ways a person can take drugs, including injection, inhalation and ingestion.

What are the long term effects of drug abuse?

Substance use disorders are associated with a wide range of short- and long-term health effects. They can vary depending on the type of drug, how much and how often it’s taken and the person’s general health. Overall, the effects of drug abuse and dependence can be far-reaching. They can impact almost every organ in the human body.

How does taking drugs affect your whole life?

Drugs affect your whole life. Drugs don’t just affect your physical body and health, they can affect your mental health, your finances, your relationships, your social life and your criminal record. The way a drug affects you depends on: the drug itself what type of drug it is.

How do drugs affect the central nervous system?

Different drugs, different effects Drugs affect your body’s central nervous system. They affect how you think, feel and behave. The three main types are depressants, hallucinogens and stimulants:

What are the effects of long term drug use?

Some alter your perceptions and can cause hallucinations. Others may make you feel numb. Long-term use and larger doses have negative effects that can seriously harm your health, even cause death, including disease risks from sharing needles, and permanent damage to the brain and other organs.