How does coronary heart disease affect the cells in the body?

How does coronary heart disease affect the cells in the body?

Effects of CHD It also can affect how well your heart pumps and make the rest of your body short on oxygen, too. Without it, your cells won’t work as well as they should, and you may be short of breath or feel more tired than usual. If plaque breaks off and totally blocks an artery, you have a heart attack.

How do heart attacks affect the body?

When a large area of the heart muscle begins to die, the heart fails and cannot move blood to the body effectively. Blood backs up on its way into the heart causing fluid to accumulate in the lungs and other body tissues. Blood pressure in the arteries drops and oxygen is not delivered to the organs effectively.

What happens to the heart during a heart attack?

When a heart attack occurs, the heart muscle that has lost blood supply begins to suffer injury. The amount of damage to the heart muscle depends on the size of the area supplied by the blocked artery and the time between injury and treatment.

How does a heart attack affect the kidneys?

The inflammatory response following a heart attack affects another organ too: the kidneys. From the University of Alabama at Birmingham, scientists investigate a bioactive compound, resolvin D1, and its ability to protect the kidneys from tissue damage following a heart attack.

What happens to your heart when you use a cell phone?

A 1-minute phone call raised the heart rate in chronic users of cell phones. The blood cholesterol levels were also higher in regular users. A similar study was just reported at the American Society of Hypertension meeting in May, which found that the ring of a cell phone caused blood pressure to rise on average by 8 mmHg.

How does heart disease affect your blood flow?

Valve problems can make your heart work harder and cause blood flow problems, so you may: 1 Be more tired than usual 2 Have shortness of breath 3 Have swelling in your legs, feet, ankles, or belly (if your body can’t get blood back to your heart like it should)

What happens to the arteries when you have a heart attack?

The arteries are the blood vessels in your body that carry oxygenated blood. A heart attack is quite simply the end result of a problem in the heart, a problem that causes obstructed blood flow, diminished oxygen supply to the heart muscle, and ultimately irreversible death of heart muscle tissue.

What happens to the heart if you have heart disease?

The heart has to work harder to pump blood through the body, which can be dangerous in people with pre-existing heart disease. The heart can fail from overwork, or insufficient oxygen can cause cell death and tissue damage in the heart and other organs.

Why are sickle cells bad for the heart?

Not only does the sickle shape of the cells make them more likely to cause blockages, but they can also damage the lining of blood vessels, resulting in inflammation. Plus, the short lifespan of sickle cells contributes to tissue hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation, which can harm tissue in the heart and elsewhere.

What are the long term effects of a heart attack?

These are just some of the possible long term effects of a heart attack. A heart attack, or myocardial infarction is the end result of a problem with the heart with obstructed blood flow (ischemia), diminished oxygen supply to the heart muscle, and ultimately irreversible death of heart muscle tissue.