How does a Windkessel work?

How does a Windkessel work?

Large elastic arteries store a portion of the stroke volume with each systole and discharge that volume with diastole. This phenomenon, known as the windkessel effect, helps to decrease the load on the heart and to minimize the systolic flow and maximize diastolic flow in the arterioles (Dobrin, 1978).

Why do arteries recoil?

Explanation: The elasticity in arteries gives rise to Windkessel Effect which helps to maintain a relatively constant pressure in the arteries despite the pulsating nature of the blood flow. During a systole the arteries expand and recoil when blood pressure (BP) falls during a diastole.

Which vessels act as a pressure reservoir to drive blood forward through the vasculature during diastole?

The elastic systemic arteries are a pressure reservoir that maintains blood flow during ventricular relaxation. The arterioles, shown with adjustable screws that alter their diameter, are the site of variable resistance. Systemic veins serve as an expandable volume reservoir.

Why is it called Windkessel?

Windkessel when loosely translated from German to English means ‘air chamber’, but is generally taken to imply an elastic reservoir. Otto Frank (physiologist), an influential German physiologist, developed the concept and provided a firm mathematical foundation.

What is the pressure like inside the arteries?

Normal arterial blood pressure in a healthy 40-year-old man is 140 mmHg during systole at the maximum and 80 mmHg during diastole at the minimum.

How is the Windkessel effect used in medicine?

Windkessel effect , used in medicine is a term, to account for the shape of the arterial blood pressure waveform in terms of the interaction between the stroke volume and the compliance of the aorta and large elastic arteries (Windkessel vessels). Windkessel means in english is ‘air chamber’,but is generally taken to imply an elastic reservoir.

What do you need to know about the Windkessel model?

The Windkessel model takes into consideration the following parameters while modeling the cardiac cycle: Arterial Compliance: refers to the elasticity and extensibility of the major artery during the cardiac cycle. Peripheral Resistance: refers to the flow resistance encountered by the blood as it flows through the systemic arterial system.

What is the function of the Windkessel in the aorta?

Acting as an elastic buffering chamber behind the heart (the Windkessel function), the aorta and some of the proximal large vessels store about 50% of the left ventricular stroke volume during systole.

Who was the first person to invent the Windkessel?

The idea of the Windkessel was alluded to by Giovanni Borelli, although Stephen Hales articulated the concept more clearly and drew the analogy with an air chamber used in fire engines in the 18th century.