How do you treat insertional Achilles tendonitis?

How do you treat insertional Achilles tendonitis?

Conservative nonsurgical treatment remains effective in the majority of patients with liberal use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heel lifts, stretching and shoes, which do not provide pressure over this area. If symptoms persist, then night splints, arch supports and physical therapy may be of benefit.

How do you treat insertional Achilles tendonitis at home?

Home Care. Rest and ice can ease the pain of tendinitis. Stay off your foot or ankle as much as possible and apply ice for up to 15 minutes at a time, three to four times a day. Stretching of the tendon is not recommended until all symptoms have resolved or indicated by your physician.

How long does insertional Achilles tendonitis last?

Insertional tendonitis recovery Athletes should recover within six weeks if the cause of pain is a calcium formation or a bone spur forming just above the insertion point of the Achilles tendon to the heel bone, but recurrence is a risk if the bone spur is not removed.

Does physical therapy help insertional Achilles tendonitis?

Conclusion: Conventional physical therapy consisting of gastrocnemius, soleus and hamstring stretches, ice massage on the Achilles tendon, and use of heel lifts and night splints with or without eccentric training is effective for treating insertional Achilles tendinopathy.

How is an insertional Achilles tendon injury treated?

The treatment of an Achilles insertional tendinitis should thus be to strengthen the forward-most aspect of the tendon (after rest has reduced swelling in the sheath around the tendon). This can be accomplished by performing a series of eccentric load exercises through a partial range of motion.

What kind of exercise should I do for my achilles tendon?

Have a great week. As a physiotherapist, I regularly see runners (and non-runners) performing tendon rehabilitation exercises that are not in their best interest. Often-times an eccentric exercise (where the heel drops below the horizontal-eg heel drops off a step) are being performed.

How can I reduce swelling in my achilles tendon?

To decrease pain or swelling, apply an ice pack to the tendon for about 15 minutes after exercising or when you experience pain. Compression. Wraps or compressive elastic bandages can help reduce swelling and reduce movement of the tendon. Elevation. Raise the affected foot above the level of your heart to reduce swelling.

What kind of medication to take for Achilles tendinitis?

But if your signs and symptoms are severe or persistent, your doctor might suggest other treatment options. If over-the-counter pain medications — such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or naproxen (Aleve) — aren’t enough, your doctor might prescribe stronger medications to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

How long does it take for Achilles to heal?

The healing time is dependent on the severity of the injury, and it is often variable. According to, it can take between six to twelve months before the Achilles tendon is completely healed.

What is best treatment for Achilles tendonitis?

If you suspect you have Achilles tendonitis, consult with your podiatrist. Common treatments include physical therapy, orthotic insoles, and supportive shoes, although, if several months of more-conservative treatments don’t work or if the tendon has torn, your doctor may suggest surgery to repair your Achilles tendon.

What is the recovery time for Achilles tendon?

This is because the blood supply to the tendon is poor, reducing the circulation of the necessary oxygen and nutrients for healing. It usually takes between three and six months of consistent achilles tendonitis treatment to fully recover. It is important to rest from aggravating activities to allow the tendon to heal.

How to treat or prevent Achilles tendon pain?

  • such as swimming.
  • apply an ice pack to the tendon for about 15 minutes after exercising or when you experience pain.
  • Compression.
  • Elevation.