How do you tell someone you love that they are overweight?

How do you tell someone you love that they are overweight?

The Don’ts

  1. Do not use shame.
  2. Do not force the issue.
  3. Do not frame the discussion around weight and food.
  4. Do not offer “helpful” weight loss hints.
  5. Do not monitor their food or exercise.
  6. Do not judge.
  7. Do remember that your loved one may already feel ashamed.
  8. Do speak about health and feelings.

How do you respond to you’re fat?

10 Sassy Comebacks For When Someone Calls You ‘Fat’

  1. No one can match my level of awesome. Person: Hey, you’ve become fat!
  2. Burn! Person: Girl, you need to lose some weight.
  3. Curvy is sexy. Person: Doesn’t your size bother you?
  4. You got a reply to that? Person: Don’t you think you should work on your body?
  5. I pity you.

What to say when a guy calls you fat?

Here’s a list of 30 good comebacks for when you’re struggling with what to say when someone calls you fat.

  1. 1. ” My body is not your business.”
  2. 2. ” So I’m fat.
  3. 3. ” I may be fat, but at least I’m not rude.”
  4. 4. ” Sorry, but I’m already in a relationship.”
  5. 5. ” Please, please.
  6. 6. ”
  7. 7. ”
  8. 8. “

What do you say when someone calls you thick?

According to, “thick” means “nice a**, nice legs, not skinny, with meat on your bones, thickness is the sh**” — and BuzzFeed seems to agree. They posted not one, but two stories this week complimenting both Rihanna and Hilary Duff on their thickness. (Hilary is actually nicknamed Thickary Duff?!)

What to say to someone who thinks they are fat?

Consoling your thin friend, insisting, “You’re not fat!” while she cries about becoming a size 10, saying pretty soon she’ll have to shop in plus-size stores. Letting your partner talk shit about your body because he’s got a point — right?

Is it possible to come out as fat?

You can come out as fat. Tell your friends, your family, strangers at the grocery store, whoever you want. Practice saying it before anyone else can. Over time, it will come more naturally. Over time, their comments will hurt less, because you know your worth and you know it isn’t determined by simply having a fat body.

What did my grandmother say about coming out as fat?

My grandmother used to say, “Just because someone throws you the ball doesn’t mean you have to catch it.” You can learn to drop the ball. You can come out as fat. Tell your friends, your family, strangers at the grocery store, whoever you want. Practice saying it before anyone else can. Over time, it will come more naturally.

How to answer the question how are You?

How to ask “How are you?” (formal or informal) 1 How have you been? 2 How are things going? 3 Are you well?

Why does my Friend Say I’m Fat?

Your friend may be having a low self-esteem moment and may be seeking validation. You don’t want to lie to build up false esteem, and your friend comments to you because they feel comfortable with you. You need a truth that neither validates their belief that they are fat and contributes to their threatened vanity. Therefore your statement,

Can a fat person recognize just how fat they are?

Someone Asked If Fat People Are Able To Recognize Just How Fat They Are. Here Are 17 Answers To That Question. | Thought Catalog Someone Asked If Fat People Are Able To Recognize Just How Fat They Are. Here Are 17 Answers To That Question.

What did I do when I knew I Was Fat?

I knew I was fat (I know I still am), I just felt helpless and hopeless and I was terrified of failure. I didn’t want to look at photos of myself, I wore baggy clothes not just to feel comfortable, but to mask my voluminous fat rolls. I put on a happy face and played to type – the happy jolly fat guy.

How are you fat shaming people around you?

Here are nine ways you are accidentally fat-shaming people around you, and what you can do about it. 1. Equating Thinness With Beauty Statements like, “You’re not fat, you’re beautiful!” send the message that fat and beauty cannot co-exist. And that’s just untrue. In fact, fat people are both fat and beautiful. 2. Criticizing Your Own Weight