How do you make words into a clickable link?

How do you make words into a clickable link?

To format text with a hyperlink:Select the text you want to format as a hyperlink. Select the Insert tab, then click the Hyperlink command. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box will appear. The selected text will appear in the Text to display: field at the top.

Should I put my website on my resume?

One of the first things employers look at when they research candidates is whether the individual has a professional website or blog. If you’ve created a professional website to showcase your expertise and accomplishments, you should definitely include a link to your website in your resume.

How do I add Github link to my resume?

You can mention your linked profile or any personnal URL with the basic contact details in the resume. e.g. You can give the complete github URL of your project with the project details, don’t give only the URL of your profile.

How do I get my GitHub link?

Tip to find the Github repository URL: Login to your GitHub account and enter the Dashboard. Select a repository from the Your Repositories list. Click the Clone or download button and copy the repository link (for SSH). You can also click Use HTTPS and then click copy the link as a regular URL.

How do I find my github username and password?

In the GitHub Desktop menu, click Preferences. In the Preferences window, verify the following: To view your GitHub username, click Accounts. To view your Git email, click Git.

How do I find my github ID?

It can be easily retrieved using Github API. If you cannot use the API answer or from you can go to github –> settings –> emails , under the Primary email address you will find {id}+{user_name} .

What is github repo?

A repository is like a folder for your project. Your project’s repository contains all of your project’s files and stores each file’s revision history. For user-owned repositories, you can give other people collaborator access so that they can collaborate on your project. …

What is GitHub and how it works?

What is GitHub? GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. This tutorial teaches you GitHub essentials like repositories, branches, commits, and Pull Requests.

Are GitHub projects private?

GitHub Free, introduced in January 2019 to give developers unlimited private repos, is immediately available for teams and features unlimited public or private repos. GitHub Free users receive community support. Organizations that had used Team for Open Source now have GitHub Free.

Is GitHub private repo free?

If you’re a GitHub user, but you don’t pay, this is a good week. Historically, GitHub always offered free accounts but the caveat was that your code had to be public. Free GitHub users now get unlimited private projects with up to three collaborators. …

How much is a private repo on GitHub?

GitHub Free gives teams private repositories with unlimited collaborators at no cost. GitHub Team is now reduced to $4 per user/month.

How do I know if my git is private or public?

service=git-upload-pack to the URL. That’s the endpoint which Git uses to get reference information. If the repo is public, you’ll get a 200. You’ll likely get a 401 if the repository is private or doesn’t exist.