How do you know when heart attack is starting?

How do you know when heart attack is starting?

Common heart attack signs and symptoms include:

  • Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back.
  • Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Cold sweat.
  • Fatigue.
  • Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness.

What was the first symptom of a heart attack?

Lidia, age 56, UK: “The first symptom of my heart attack was heartburn – the first time I’d had heartburn in 26 years since I was pregnant. I had no pain at all, but this heartburn would not go, no matter what I took for it.

Why do I Feel Like I’m having a heart attack?

It’s a vexing question, one that millions of people — and their doctors — face each year. What’s the problem? Chest pain can stem from dozens of conditions besides heart attack, from pancreatitis to pneumonia or panic attack. Millions of Americans with chest pain are seen in hospital emergency departments every year.

How old was Sharon when she had her heart attack?

Sharon, age 43, New Zealand: “My heart attack started as I was walking across a flat lawn on my way to feed our goldfish. The pain struck out of the blue. I had no idea that a heart attack could present with pain in the back rather than the chest.

What happens in the hours after a heart attack?

The hours following a heart attack can be scary and confusing. Your medical team may be incredibly busy and focused, and hard-pressed to explain everything that’s happening. You and your caregivers are sure to have questions. You may wonder about the tests and procedures that are being performed.

Can a heart attack be a sign of something else?

Chest pain is an indicator of a possible heart attack, but it may also be a symptom of another condition or problem. The type and location of the pain can help doctors determine what is causing it….

Why do I feel tired in the days before a heart attack?

Especially among women, unusual fatigue can occur during a heart attack as well as in the days and weeks leading up to one. And feeling tired all the time may be a symptom of heart failure. The most common and very popular reason for heart attack is the pain that occurs in the chest.

Lidia, age 56, UK: “The first symptom of my heart attack was heartburn – the first time I’d had heartburn in 26 years since I was pregnant. I had no pain at all, but this heartburn would not go, no matter what I took for it.

How long does it take for heart attack to go away?

Most heart attacks do start slowly. Most involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or symptoms that go away and come back later over hours or even days as mine did.