How do you know if you suffer from hyperhidrosis?

How do you know if you suffer from hyperhidrosis?


  1. Sweating disrupts your daily routine.
  2. Sweating causes emotional distress or social withdrawal.
  3. You suddenly begin to sweat more than usual.
  4. You experience night sweats for no apparent reason.

Should you see a doctor if you have hyperhidrosis?

Dermatologists are generally the best doctors for treating excessive sweating that’s not controlled by OTC products. They are usually more familiar with hyperhidrosis treatment, especially when sweating is severe. Depending on your insurance, you may need a referral to a dermatologist from your regular doctor.

What do you need to know about hyperhidrosis disorder?

Hyperhidrosis disorder is a condition that results in excessive sweating. This sweating can occur in unusual situations, such as in cooler weather, or without any trigger at all. Secondary generalized hyperhidrosis is sweating caused by a medical condition or as a side effect of certain medications.

Can a prescription for hyperhidrosis cause excessive sweating?

Several types of prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause hyperhidrosis as well. In many cases, sweating is a rare side effect that most people don’t experience. However, excessive sweating is a common side effect of antidepressants such as:

Who was the first person diagnosed with hyperhidrosis?

One of the founding members of Dermadry struggled with hyperhidrosis since adolescence. After trying countless treatment options, such as traditional antiperspirants and creams, he was dissatisfied with the lack of results he was obtaining.

What is the medical term for secondary general hyperhidrosis?

Secondary general hyperhidrosis is also more serious medically. It’s called secondary because it’s being caused by something else, such as an underlying health condition. One telltale sign of secondary hyperhidrosis is exc essive generalized sweating at night. What can trigger secondary general hyperhidrosis?