How do you know if you have a blood clot in your groin?

How do you know if you have a blood clot in your groin?

Symptoms of a blood clot in the groin Swelling that affects the entire leg. Tenderness following the path of the vein. An abnormal swelling that remains puffy or swollen when you palpate or gently press against it with a finger. Low-grade fever.

How do you know if a hernia has ruptured?

What are the symptoms of a strangulated hernia?

  1. acute pain that comes on suddenly and may get more severe.
  2. bloody stools.
  3. constipation.
  4. darkening or reddening of the skin over the hernia.
  5. fatigue.
  6. fever.
  7. inability to pass gas.
  8. inflammation or tenderness around the hernia.

When to go to the ER for a hernia?

Symptoms of a hernia in need of emergency treatment include: Severe pain, swelling or redness at the hernia site. Hernia bulge growing quickly. Nausea and/or vomiting.

Where does the pain in the groin come from?

When you strain or tear an adductor muscle or tendon you will feel pain anywhere from the midpoint of your inner thigh to deep under your pubic bone. Treatment needs to be directed to the damaged adductor muscle in this instance. 4. Coming from your sacro-iliac joint.

Why does my groin hurt when I play soccer?

By Mayo Clinic Staff The most common cause of groin pain is a muscle, tendon or ligament strain, particularly in athletes who play sports such as hockey, soccer and football. Groin pain might occur immediately after an injury, or pain might come on gradually over a period of weeks or even months.

How to tell if you have groin and hip pain?

Pain caused by a muscle strain gets worse with movement, especially when you: The pain comes on suddenly. Muscle spasms may occur. You may notice bruising or swelling in your groin and upper thigh. The range of motion of your hip may be reduced, and your leg might feel weak. You might have trouble standing or walking because of the pain.

Why does my groin hurt when I cough?

Other causes of groin pain may include the following. Hernia: An organ, like the bowel, can break through the muscles that keep it in place leading to a painful bulge that worsens with cough or when bearing down.

What causes groin pain on the right side of women?

10 more causes of right side groin pain for women Beyond muscle, ligament, or tendon injury, your groin pain could be the result of any one of various conditions, such as: Arthritis in your hip

Why does my groin hurt when I run?

Kelly was a road runner who complained of right sided groin pain. His groin pain had been present for 6 weeks and was gradually getting worse. His pain was worse after running and he was stiff and sore in the early mornings. As the day went on his groin pain eased off unless he went running.

When does groin pain start after an injury?

Groin pain might occur immediately after an injury, or pain might come on gradually over a period of weeks or even months. Groin pain might be worsened by continued use of the injured area.

Is there a connection between lower back and groin pain?

Lower Back and Groin Pain can be connected. If you have a pain in your lower back and in your groin, then this article may be of interest. You may think that you have two separate conditions or problems, but these two pains, though they are in different parts of the body are more often linked or associated than not.