How do you feel after uterine polyp removal?

How do you feel after uterine polyp removal?

You may have increased cramping, vaginal bleeding or gas-like feelings for a day or two after the procedure. Most of our patients feel much better within the first few days following the procedure, but it’s best not to lift heavy objects within the first couple of weeks.

How long does cramping last after uterine polyp removal?

Most patients can go home the same day. You may have increased cramping and vaginal bleeding for a day or two after the procedure. You may experience gas pains for about a day or so due to gas administered during the procedure. This may extend into your upper abdomen and shoulder.

Is it OK to remove polyps from uterus?

Removing the polyps would clear my uterus and increase our chances of conception. Our doctor highly recommended having the polyps removed before moving forward with IVF- which was our next step.

How long have I been bleeding from uterine polyp?

I’ve been bleeding since November and was told last Monday I have 2 small growths in my womb. Although the radiologist said she suspected fibroids my GP is not happy as my bleeding has been going on for so long and I have pelvic pain for 2 months.

Where are the polyps in the uterus located?

Uterine polyps are a kind of non cancerous overgrowth of cells of the inner wall of the uterus that extend into the uterine cavity. These uterine polyps develop in the lining of the uterus. I would like to share my experience with having this surgery and hope it helps someone else who may need it.

Can a uterine polyp cause pelvic pain?

Although the radiologist said she suspected fibroids my GP is not happy as my bleeding has been going on for so long and I have pelvic pain for 2 months. I am 50 but not menopausal yet. Although im worried I’m trying to stay positive. I will be having another scan in 5 weeks to see if there is any change. I am at the other end of this.

What happens if a polyp is removed from the uterus?

The removed polyp will likely be sent to a lab for microscopic examination. If a uterine polyp contains cancerous cells, your doctor will talk with you about the next steps in evaluation and treatment. Rarely, uterine polyps can recur. If they do, you might need more treatment.

Do you have to drive home after uterine polyp removal?

On the day of uterine polyp removal, it is advisable to have someone drive you home after the procedure. Due to the administration of general anesthesia, it might be hard for you to drive home on your own after polyp removal.

Do you have to have polyps removed if you have no symptoms?

If uterine polyps are not causing you any discomfort and have no symptoms, it is not mandatory to undergo treatment. However, if your doctor recommends the removal of polyps, you have to ensure that only an expert performs the procedure. Having an expert gynecologist remove the uterine polyps will reduce the risks of the treatment procedure.

How long does it take for a polyp to clear up after surgery?

You may have light bleeding immediately after a uterine polyp removal. You may also have discharge for up to 14 days after the treatment. The fluid may be light pink to brown in color.