How do I start the HCG diet?

How do I start the HCG diet?

The rules of the hCG diet

  1. Loading phase. Start taking hCG and eat plenty of high fat, high calorie foods for 2 days.
  2. Weight loss phase. Continue taking hCG and eat only 500 calories per day for 3 to 6 weeks.
  3. Maintenance phase. Stop taking hCG. Gradually increase your food intake but avoid sugar and starch for 3 weeks.

Will a doctor prescribe HCG?

HCG is FDA-approved for the treatment of select cases of female infertility and hormone treatment in men. FDA-approved HCG products are only available in injection-form and require a prescription from a licensed medical professional. There are no FDA-approved HCG products for weight loss.

Is the HCG diet safe for men and women?

HCG can also be used safely to help improve fertility in both men and women (4) and it is an important part of male testosterone replacement therapy (to prevent testicular atrophy). What will happen to my thyroid if I undergo the HCG Diet?

How does the HCG diet help you lose weight?

The HCG Diet is a calorie restricted diet (to various levels) plain and simple. During the calorie restriction patients use the hormone HCG to help boost weight loss in “hard to reach” places. ​Now compare that to the hormone: The hormone HCG (which stands for human chorionic gonadotropin) is secreted by pregnant women.

When to mix two vials of hCG at a time?

During your 43 day protocol with HCG, mix only one vial at a time to ensure the potency of the HCG. Then after 23 days, discard the first vial and mix the second vial.

Is the HCG diet good for your thyroid?

Because HCG by itself is actually quite helpful. Studies have shown that HCG the hormone can actually help stimulate thyroid function (2) and actually INCREASES thyroid hormone release (3). So now we are in kind of a pickle. I just said that the HCG diet harms your thyroid, but that the HCG hormone itself actually can increase thyroid function.