How do I get rid of lower back spasms?

How do I get rid of lower back spasms?

Home treatment includes using heat or ice, taking over-the-counter (OTC) pain medicines, and avoiding activities that may cause back pain. For a back spasm that doesn’t get better with home care, your doctor may prescribe medicine. Treatments such as massage or manipulation may also help ease a back spasm.

How do you treat a back spasm?

Here are some things to try:

  1. Stretching. Stretching the area that has the muscle spasm can usually help improve or stop the spasm from occurring.
  2. Massage.
  3. Ice or heat.
  4. Hydration.
  5. Mild exercise.
  6. Nonprescription remedies.
  7. Topical creams that are anti-inflammatory and pain relieving.
  8. Hyperventilation.

Is walking good for back spasms?

People with ongoing or recurrent episodes of lower back pain should consider the benefits of walking as a low-impact form of exercise. Aerobic exercise has long been shown to reduce the incidence of low back pain.

What causes a spasm in the lower back?

Causes of muscle spasm. In general, most lower back muscles spasms occur because of the following reasons: The muscles are trying to protect themselves from muscle strain A back spasm can occur after any type of strain or injury to the soft tissues—the muscles, tendons or ligaments—in the spine.

What to do when your back is spasming?

When your back goes into spasm, the initial treatment goal is to get the muscle to relax and thus relieve the pain. Some effective treatments include: Short period of rest. A painful back muscle spasm can make it difficult to perform daily activities or even move.

Can a muscle spasm in the back be harmless?

Muscle spasms can occur in any muscle in the body, however, in my practice I usually see patients with muscle spasm in the back, neck, lower legs and feet. While most muscle spasms in the back are harmless and can be effectively treated, some indicate that there’s an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. First, What is a Muscle Spasm?

What does it mean when your lower back hurts?

Overview. A back spasm is the involuntary contraction or tensing of the muscles in the lower back. The condition ranges from infrequent spasms with mild discomfort to chronic spasms with severe pain that makes it difficult to move.

What are the causes of low back muscle spasming?

Common causes of lower back spasm are poor posture, arthritis, strains, and nerve damage. Lower back spasm usually occurs due to injuries or inflammation. In some people, the cause may be something relatively minor, such as a mild strain.

What is the best lower back treatment?

Exercise, however, may be useful for people with chronic back pain to help them return to normal activities and work. Nonprescription medications may provide relief from pain. Ibuprofen (Advil, Nuprin, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve) are excellent medications for the short-term treatment of low back pain.

What is the best treatment for muscle spasms?

The pain from a muscle spasm can be treated with an NSAID , such as ibuprofen. The treatment for muscle spasms may include electrical nerve stimulation as well as traditional physical therapy exercises. There are several methods of treating a muscle spasm in the back.

What causes muscle pain in lower back?

Severe lower back pain is usually caused by an injury to a ligament or a muscle. Injuries to muscles are referred to as strains, and these are the most common causes of acute back pain. Injuries to ligaments are referred to as sprains, and these can also contribute to lower back pain.