How do I describe my customer service experience?

How do I describe my customer service experience?

Customer service is listening to customers and helping to resolve their issues so that they remain happy and loyal. Having worked in a call center for five years, I have plenty of experience listening carefully to the needs of my customers before efficiently working to solve their problems and explain the solutions.

How do customers define value?

Customer value is the perception of what a product or service is worth to a customer versus the possible alternatives. Worth means whether the customer feels that he or she received benefits and services over what was paid. Value for one customer may not be the same as another.

What is the value of a lifetime customer?

The lifetime value of a customer, or customer lifetime value (CLV), represents the total amount of money a customer is expected to spend in your business, or on your products, during their lifetime.

What is lifetime value calculation?

First, calculate the lifetime value by multiplying the average value of a sale, the average number of transactions, and the average customer retention period. Lifetime Value = Average Value of Sale × Number of Transactions × Retention Time Period.

What is customer lifetime value with example?

For example, if a new customer costs $50 to acquire (COCA, or cost of customer acquisition), and their lifetime value is $60, then the customer is judged to be profitable, and acquisition of additional similar customers is acceptable. Additionally, CLV is used to calculate customer equity.