How do I ask for free advice?

How do I ask for free advice?

Sometimes you really do just need some basic advice, so structure your ask respectfully.

  1. Limit the scope of your request. Be clear why you’re reaching out and what your goal is.
  2. Do your homework.
  3. Say thank you.

What should you say when you need someone’s help?

  1. (To) give (someone) a hand / (To) lend (someone) a hand. This is another really common way to ask for help in English.
  2. To help someone out. Help me out, help you out, help them out.
  3. (To) help out. It can be with assistance or it can be with money.
  4. (To) do (someone) a favour.
  5. I could use some help.
  6. I could use a hand.

How do you say no when someone asks for advice?

How To Say No To People Who Ask For Free Advice—And Still Be…

  1. Set aside specific time to limit how much free advice you share.
  2. Partner with organizations to distribute your free advice.
  3. Structure your freebies in a way that complements your work preferences.
  4. Stick to your boundaries.
  5. Help people help themselves.

How do you politely defer a question?

Your response options could include:

  1. “I’m sorry, but it’s personal.”
  2. “I don’t know, sorry.”
  3. “I’m not able to answer that question, sorry.”
  4. “I’m not comfortable answering this question, sorry.”

When to use ” please advise ” or ” Please inform “?

Please inform us of the shipping status. Please tell me [us] what happened with the delivery. [or] Please let me know what happened with the delivery. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me [us] know. If using “Please advise” is a standard practice in your industry, then improve upon it.

Which is the best way to give advice?

The best advice contains your own emotion. Linking your advice to emotion is another practical strategy to get people to take action. Injecting emotion into your advice requires you to be bold, authentic and vulnerable which is why so many people forget this valuable step when giving advice.

Is it a habit to say ” Please Advise “?

This use of “please advise” is a habit. It’s like my leaving the kitchen drawers open–not a terrible, serious problem. But it does get in the way of a clear, efficient message. One of the problems with “Please advise” is that advise is a transitive verb, that is, it must have an object. Someone must be advised.

When do you use ” please advise ” in a sentence?

They used “Please advise” in their opening sentences, their closing sentences, and sometimes in the middle, like this: Please advise of shipping status. Please advise what happened with the delivery. If you have any questions or concerns, please advise.

How to deal with people who give you advice?

There may be times when you need to distance yourself from people who insist on handing out pearls of wisdom. If your words don’t seem to send a strong enough message, you may need to limit your contact with such people. But be sure that you don’t reject all the advice you hear.

What’s the best way to get advice on an issue?

If you feel like you would benefit from multiple perspectives, feel free to ask multiple people for their opinions before making a final decision. Once you’re finished talking to a friend or family member, ask if he or she knows of anyone else who may be able to help you with your issue.

Which is more valuable, advice or unsolicited advice?

You can ask if they’ve considered this or that angle, and help them really think the issue through thoroughly. This is generally far more valuable than advice, especially unsolicited advice. When a person has the information they need and has really thought it through, they can make up their own mind what to do.

What’s the best way to get professional advice?

Consider paying for professional advice. For some kinds of advice, it may be best to pay for an experienced professional to really walk you through your options. This can be helpful for many kinds of advice, from financial planning to career counseling to psychiatric counseling.