How did I cure my asthma in high school?

How did I cure my asthma in high school?

There were several teenage girls who were award winning athletes in high school but came down with such severe asthma that they couldn’t even go to school. They found a good doctor who prescribed several rounds of antibiotic protocol and one girl was completely cured. However the other one kept relapsing once her medications were done.

How to choose the best treatment for asthma?

ƒƒWhen choosing treatment, consider domain of relevance to the patient (risk, impairment, or both), patient’s history of response to the medication, and willingness and ability to use the medication. Review medications, technique, and adherence at each follow-up visit. 2Asthma Care Quick Reference

What are the guidelines for asthma care quick reference?

Asthma Care Quick Reference Guidelines from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program The goal of this asthma care quick reference guide is to help clinicians provide quality care to people who have asthma.

Is it possible to cure asthma in 14 weeks?

Most people don’t understand the hell of carrying asthma around with you every day. And that is why I host this website. Most people seem to need more than the 14 weeks of antibiotics that cured me. Without a doubt more research needs to be done.

When to use an asthma action plan at home?

Some asthma attacks can’t be managed at home. Use the action plan to recognize the signs of rapidly worsening asthma. If you use a peak flow meter, the action plan will also tell you when low peak flow readings signal that an asthma attack has become an emergency. Avoid asthma triggers.

Guidelines from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program . The goal of this asthma care quick reference guide is to help clinicians provide quality care to people who have asthma. Quality asthma care involves not only initial diagnosis and treatment to achieve asthma control, but also long-term, regular follow-up care

How to treat comorbid conditions related to asthma?

Treat comorbid conditions. ƒƒConsider allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, gastroesophageal reflux, obesity, obstructive sleep apnea, rhinitis and sinusitis, and stress or depression. Treatment of these conditions may improve asthma control. ƒƒConsider inactivated flu vaccine for all patients >6 months of age. Asthma Care Quick Reference3

How to manage your asthma as an adult?

Manage asthma by staying organized. Here’s help creating an adult asthma action plan. Maintaining good day-to-day asthma control is the key to keeping symptoms at bay and preventing asthma attacks.