How can you tell if you tore a muscle in your leg?

How can you tell if you tore a muscle in your leg?

Thigh or calf strain or sprain symptoms Pain while walking or using the affected muscle. Bruising, swelling or tenderness in the affected thigh. Hearing a “pop” or “snap” at the time of the injury.

What are the symptoms of a hairline fracture in the leg?

The most common symptom of a hairline fracture is pain. This pain can gradually get worse over time, especially if you don’t stop weight-bearing activity. Pain is usually worse during activity and lessens during rest….Other symptoms include:

  • swelling.
  • tenderness.
  • bruising.

When to rest your leg after a injury?

Leave what people say, you have to have proof supporting the facts. Go for an X-ray and assess the damage. If there is no damage with bone it is always good for you as 2 weeks passed by. If it is just a ligament tear, tendon pull then it will be alright with rest and bandaging your lower leg/ankle.

What happens to a broken leg after 10 years?

Fortunately, the fracture healed well. But 10 years later, she developed arthritis in the joint. “It became weak, swollen, and painful, and today it’s hard for me to get around,” says Echtinaw, now 58, of Lake Odessa, MI.

How often should I work out my legs?

I have been working out for ~6 months and have worked my legs once per week throughout this time, on their own day. My legs, especially my quads, ache to the point of finding it hard to walk, particularly up or down stairs, for between 3-4 days after a leg workout.

When to seek medical attention for a leg injury?

Also get medical attention if your pain is right over the bones of the hurt joint. This happens when you knock your bones out of joint, usually when you fall or crash into something or someone. It happens most often to your shoulder or finger. But you can also dislocate your hip and knee joints.

Leave what people say, you have to have proof supporting the facts. Go for an X-ray and assess the damage. If there is no damage with bone it is always good for you as 2 weeks passed by. If it is just a ligament tear, tendon pull then it will be alright with rest and bandaging your lower leg/ankle.

What happens if you can’t straighten your leg?

You can’t straighten your knee or leg. If you have trouble straightening your leg or it hurts to do so, you probably have a serious knee injury. To test this, start in a seated position and try to lift your lower leg using your own leg muscles.

Where was the impact point on my leg?

I had an impact trauma to my left lower leg about 2 weeks ago. My leg fell through a step and my body went forward causing a large dent in my leg. The impact point is right below and outside or my shin bone.

What to do in the first 72 hours of a foot injury?

You should avoid aggravating your foot injury for the first 72 hours by being cautious. Do not run or engage in any form of exercise that could cause more damage. Do not use hot baths, saunas, or heat packs, drink alcohol, or massage the injury. Any of these activities can might increase bleeding and swelling, slowing your healing. [8]