How can I get the swelling in my hands to go down?

How can I get the swelling in my hands to go down?

A warm shower or hot pack applied to the hands may help with symptoms. Cold can also reduce swelling and numb any pain. Wrap an ice pack in a towel and apply it to the hands. Take care not to put anything too hot or cold against the skin.

How can I reduce swelling in my hands?

To reduce swelling due to poor circulation, elevate your hands and fingers above your chest level. This will help improve blood circulation and provide relief from discomforts like swelling, inflammation and pain. Keep the swollen fingers elevated above your chest level.

What to do if your fingers are swollen in the morning?

If you’ve noticed that your fingers are frequently swelling in the morning, try these sleeping positions to keep the arms and hands elevated: Lying on your back. Use pillows under each arm to elevate your hands. You can even use additional, smaller pillows to raise your hands even further.

What happens to your hand when your fingers are swollen?

With swollen fingers, it can also temporarily reduce your flexibility and mobility which, if left for a long period of time, can result in significant stiffness. In certain cases, swelling can become so severe that it can reduce blood flow or injure nerves and muscles in the forearm and hand.

What to do about swollen fingers with tendinitis?

One of the initial interventions for reducing the pain and swelling associated with tendinitis is cold therapy. Applying ice to the swollen fingers can help to reduce blood flow to the area and reduce pain. More serious cases of tendinitis usually require medical treatment. Swollen fingers caused by bursitis

How do you reduce swelling?

Simple massage on your hands, feet, or legs can do a great deal to reduce swelling. You can even use basic massage techniques while watching television in the evenings. The stimulation will encourage health blood flow and reduce the potential for swelling to occur.

How long should a finger be swollen after injury?

A broken finger is often more painful than a jammed finger, although both may be treated using a splint. A broken finger will cause severe pain and swelling that lasts for hours or even days . While a jammed finger is painful, it is not usually severe.

How do you treat swollen hands?

Exercise. Stretching and strength exercises that move the muscles of the hand and wrist can help to return the excess fluid to the heart, reports Massaging the hand can also help to reduce swelling. If exercise and massage cause pain, the patient may tolerate the activities better after a warm bath, according to MedlinePlus .

Should you bandage a swollen finger?

Compression: Your doctor may recommend that you wear an elastic compression bandage around your finger to provide support and prevent swelling. Elevation: During the first 24 hours after your injury, try to keep your injured hand elevated to reduce swelling.