How are drugs eliminated from body?

How are drugs eliminated from body?

Most drugs (or metabolites) are excreted by the kidneys. Three process can occur in renal excretion: glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and passive reabsorption. Some drugs are eliminated by the liver in the bile and excreted in feces.

How a drug is administered and eliminated from human body?

Drug elimination is the removal of an administered drug from the body. It is accomplished in two ways, either by excretion of an unmetabolized drug in its intact form or by metabolic biotransformation followed by excretion.

What is the difference between elimination and excretion of a drug?

Drug elimination refers to the irreversible removal of drug from the body by all routes of elimination. Drug excretion is the removal of the intact drug. Nonvolatile drugs are excreted mainly by renal excretion, a process in which the drug passes through the kidney to the bladder and ultimately into the urine.

How are drugs filtered through the kidneys?

Drugs and/or their metabolised products are transported by the capillaries to the kidney tubule. Some drugs enter the tubule by glomerular filtration at the renal corpuscle. This acts like a sieve allowing small drugs and those not bound to plasma protein to filter from the blood into the Bowman’s capsule.

Which drug has the longest half life?

However, there are numerous other drugs with very long half-life, examples are mefloquine 14–41 days (25), amiodarone 21–78 days (26), and oritavancin 393 h (27). Furthermore, what can be called “long half-life” is always relative to the length of the sampling period.

What drugs are eliminated by the kidneys?

Most drugs, particularly water-soluble drugs and their metabolites, are eliminated largely by the kidneys in urine. Therefore, drug dosing depends largely on kidney function.

Which drug promotes excretion of acidic drugs?

The drug must be excreted rapidly from the body, so one strategy is to alter the urine pH to increase excretion. In aspirin poisoning for example, making the urine more alkaline with sodium bicarbonate increases ionisation of the salicylic acid (aspirin metabolite) therefore increasing its excretion from the body.