Does a gynecologist treat menopause?

Does a gynecologist treat menopause?

“Also, gynecologists regularly see women with conditions that may require hormone therapy – contraception, endometriosis, menopause, osteoporosis, etc. – and have much more familiarity with hormone therapies compared to primary care doctors.”

What happens when a woman is premenopausal?

Your menstrual cycles may lengthen or shorten, and you may begin having menstrual cycles in which your ovaries don’t release an egg (ovulate). You may also experience menopause-like symptoms, such as hot flashes, sleep problems and vaginal dryness. Treatments are available to help ease these symptoms.

Can a gynecologist tell if you are in menopause?

A pelvic exam is a way for doctors to look for signs of illness in organs in a woman’s body before, during, and after menopause.

Is there hormone replacement therapy for menopause symptoms?

HRT may help alleviate some of these symptoms and smooth the transition Mirena can lighten your monthly bleeding, but it doesn’t relieve other menopause symptoms. For that, you might turn to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT pills, patches, and injections help with menopause symptoms like: HRT comes in two forms: HRT isn’t perfect.

When to remove the Mirena coil after menopause?

To avoid an unplanned pregnancy, leave your IUD in until you’re past the average age for menopause — around 51 years. If you still get periods, wait for at least one year after they stop to remove the IUD.

When does your menstrual cycle change in perimenopause?

You’re currently in the perimenopausal stage, which may last anywhere from a few months to several years. Changes in your menstrual cycle are a key marker of perimenopause. They often come more frequently than the typical 28 days, you may skip cycles, your menstrual flow may be lighter, heavier or spottier than normal.

Is the hysterectomy a reasonable choice for women?

Hysterectomy remains a reasonable choice for women who have failed more conservative management. 1.

How often should a 65 year old woman go to the gynecologist?

Also, if a woman is sexually active past the age of 65, she should still have a pelvic exam at least once every three years. In short, there are many factors that will determine the doctor’s approach to a senior citizen’s gynecology visit. However, one thing is certain: women do need to continue visits to their OB-GYN.

When do you need to talk to your OB GYN about menopause?

As you enter menopause, you may have many questions you want to discuss with your OB-GYN. It’s important that you trust your OB-GYN so you can confide in them and ask them uncomfortable questions. The more open you are, the better they can guide you toward the right treatment. It’s important that you’re honest with your OB-GYN.

Can a woman’s vagina change after menopause?

Owen Montgomery, a nationally certified menopausal practitioner, told me this: “Yes, changes in a woman’s hormones after menopause — mostly diminished estrogen production — affect her vulvar and vaginal environment and can change sensation, lubrication, friction, smell and even the types of normal bacteria present in her vagina.

Do you still need your gynecologist after menopause?

After menopause, women still need gynecological care, doctors say. Annual exams, either by a gynecologist or a family doctor, are key to avoiding and treating many health problems common in older women. Joyce Korver was filling her shopping cart with Christmas presents for her grandchildren when her cell phone rang.