Can you take antidepressants with high blood pressure medication?

Can you take antidepressants with high blood pressure medication?

Many people with high blood pressure are able to use the most common antidepressants with no problems, but some may require adjustments to their high blood pressure treatment program.

Can antidepressants make your blood pressure drop?

This study shows that depressive disorder is associated with low systolic blood pressure and less hypertension, whereas the use of certain antidepressants is associated with both high diastolic and systolic blood pressures and hypertension.

Which antidepressant is best for high blood pressure?

6) Certain antidepressants The only antidepressants that don’t cause high blood pressure as a side effect are selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as sertraline, citalopram, fluoxetine, and paroxetine. So, make sure the doctor prescribing your mental health medications knows if you have hypertension.

Can a person with high blood pressure take an antidepressant?

Many people with high blood pressure are able to use the most common antidepressants with no problems, but some may require adjustments to their high blood pressure treatment program. If you require an antidepressant, finding the right medication—or combination of medications—can be a trial-and-error process.

What happens if you take too much blood pressure medicine?

That’s how your doctor can tell whether the medicine is working to lower your blood pressure. Taking medicine at the wrong doses or times or stopping high blood pressure medicine suddenly can be downright dangerous to your health.

What kind of Meds should I take for high blood pressure?

Aspirin, naproxen sodium (Aleve, Anaprox) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) Have your blood pressure checked regularly. Talk to your doctor about which pain medication is best for you.

Can you take ibuprofen with high blood pressure?

NSAIDs, like ibuprofen and naproxen, are generally are not recommended for use in those with high blood pressure. If blood pressure is well controlled, NSAIDs may be an option however and your should speak with your doctor regarding their use.

What are the worst blood pressure medicines?

Drugs in this class include phenylzine and tranylcypromine. Any of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents also raise blood pressure. The worst offenders are indomethacin, naprosyn, and ibuprofen, especially in large doses.

What are the best blood pressure medications?

The best medication for most people with high blood pressure is usually a diuretic. Other drugs used to lower blood pressure include thiazides, beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers and calcium channel antagonists.

Does venlafaxine raise blood pressure?

This effect may last for several days after you stop taking venlafaxine. High blood pressure warning: Venlafaxine may increase your blood pressure. Your doctor will likely make sure your blood pressure is normal before you start taking venlafaxine. They will check your blood pressure regularly during your treatment.

How can you treat blood pressure without medication?

The best way to treat high blood pressure without taking a drug is through diet, exercise and weight loss. A diet low in sodium and the DASH diet from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health) has been shown to significantly lower blood pressure.