Can you sprain the palm of your hand?

Can you sprain the palm of your hand?

A hand sprain occurs when you stretch or tear a ligament in your hand. Ligaments are the tough tissues that connect one bone to another. Most hand sprains will heal with treatment you can do at home.

Can you tear a muscle in your palm?

A hand strain is a stretching or tearing of fibers in muscles or tendons, the tissue that anchors muscle to bone. Strains often occur in tendons that connect the muscles of the forearm to bones in the fingers. These tendons are used to either straighten or bend your fingers and thumb.

How do you tell if the palm of your hand is broken?


  1. Severe pain that might worsen when gripping or squeezing or moving your hand.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Tenderness.
  4. Bruising.
  5. Obvious deformity, such as a crooked finger.
  6. Stiffness or inability to move your fingers or thumb.
  7. Numbness in your hand or fingers.

Why do I have a bruise on my hand?

A bruised hand is usually the result of an impact or trauma. A bruised hand may produce pain and swelling. A bruised hand may be accompanied by a break in the skin.

What should you do if you have a bruised palm?

A bruised palm is usually a result of an impact to the soft tissue. In instances where pain is persistent and prolonged, the health care provider might recommend that the individual receive physical or occupational therapy. Rehabilitative services can help restore mobility, improve circulation, and reduce pain.

What causes pain in the palm of your hand?

Pain in the palm of your hand is often caused by bruising or injuring your hand. Your symptoms might also give you an idea of what’s causing the pain in your palm. Common causes of pain in the palm of the hand. Symptoms. Possible cause. Aching pain that’s worse at night, numbness or pins and needles, a weak thumb or difficulty gripping.

What are the symptoms of a palm injury?

Palm Injury Symptoms 1 Swelling and Tenderness. Swelling can develop on the inside or outside of the hand in the area of your palm. 2 Difficulty Moving Parts of Your Hand. You may find it difficult to move one or more fingers on the hand, or to grip things securely. 3 Numbness or Tingling. …

A bruised hand is usually the result of an impact or trauma. A bruised hand may produce pain and swelling. A bruised hand may be accompanied by a break in the skin.

A bruised palm is usually a result of an impact to the soft tissue. In instances where pain is persistent and prolonged, the health care provider might recommend that the individual receive physical or occupational therapy. Rehabilitative services can help restore mobility, improve circulation, and reduce pain.

Palm Injury Symptoms 1 Swelling and Tenderness. Swelling can develop on the inside or outside of the hand in the area of your palm. 2 Difficulty Moving Parts of Your Hand. You may find it difficult to move one or more fingers on the hand, or to grip things securely. 3 Numbness or Tingling.

What causes pain in the palm of your hands?

Pain in palm of the hands does not only come from injury which directly affects the palms, it could also come from the joints. Some of the problems of the joints that can cause such pains include: