Can you reduce a comminuted fracture?

Can you reduce a comminuted fracture?

Segments of comminution can be treated as free bone grafts and fixated to the reconstruction plate with locking screws, or stabilized with wires or miniplates. Comminuted mandible fractures may be associated with soft tissue defects both intra- and extraorally.

Does comminuted fracture need surgery?

How Are Comminuted Fractures Treated? Someone with a comminuted fracture will probably need surgery. Then, he or she will need to wear a splint or cast for a while to keep the bone from moving while it heals.

Does a comminuted fracture need surgery?

What is the treatment for a comminuted fracture?

After these examinations, patients are administered pain relieving medications. The treatment for comminuted fracture includes surgical repair and fixing of the broken bone. It is essential to reconnect the broken bone fragments and then fix them with medical materials such as surgical nails, screws, plates or wires.

Which is the best treatment for comminuted patellar fracture?

Open reduction and internal fixation is the first choice for the treatment of comminuted patellar fracture [ 12 ]. Through internal fixation technology, the fragments can be fixed stably to carry out the early functional exercise of the knee.

What to do with an open bone fracture?

You might need to use a pulley, string, weight, or metal frame to stretch your muscles and tendons around the broken bone. This will help the ends of your bones stay in position and heal properly. If you have an open fracture, your treatment will be slightly different than a closed one.

How to tell if you have a comminute fracture?

Patients who have experienced a comminuted fracture complain about intense pain at the very site of injury. Soon after the injury the particular area becomes swollen, tender and warm to the touch. In open comminuted fractures, the bone fragments protrude through the skin and there may be bleeding. Diagnosis and Treatment for Comminute Fracture

What increases my risk for a comminuted fracture?

  • Car accidents
  • Falling from a considerable height
  • Gunshot wounds
  • Contact sports – a tackle during a football game can lead to the appearance of a comminuted fracture
  • The overuse of the bones – this often happens in those who perform repetitive motions (these are known as stress fractures and they are quite common in professional athletes)

    Will I need surgery for my comminuted fracture?

    Depending on the severity of your fracture, you may need surgery to repair the broken bone. In many cases, people with comminuted fractures need surgery to help restructure the bone pieces so that they heal properly.

    How does a comminuted fracture affect the body?

    A comminuted fracture causes pain and swelling near the affected bones, but it may also lead to bruising, bleeding, stiffness, and other complications. A severe fracture can cause nerve damage, leading to circulation problems and numbness.

    What is the recovery time for a fibula fracture?

    According to its main cause and degree of severity, fibula fracture recovery time may take weeks to months—in more severe cases. Fibula fracture treatments usually take four to six weeks, as long as there are no complications.