Can you mix blood pressure medicines?

Can you mix blood pressure medicines?

ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers are often effective when combined with other classes of medications. Sometimes, a beta-blocker is combined with an alpha-blocker. This may be useful for men who have hypertension and an enlarged prostate. The alpha-blocker may help both problems at the same time.

Why do patients take more than one blood pressure medication?

A combination medication with lower doses could help some patients reach blood pressure goals more easily, according to researchers. People taking one blood pressure medication may reach their blood pressure goals more effectively if they instead take lower doses of three medications.

Are there two types of high blood pressure medications?

New research presented today at the American College of Cardiology Scientific Session pointed out that two types of high blood pressure medications — alpha-blockers and alpha-2 agonists — are associated with blood pressure variability.

Do you need to take more than 3 medicines to lower blood pressure?

If you need to take more than three medicines, or if you are having side-effects from any of them, then your doctor has other choices. There are other ­medicines available which can also lower blood pressure, but which are not a first-choice treatment.

What happens when you combine two blood pressure medications?

Combination treatment means another class of blood pressure medication is added to the first drug to increase effectiveness. Many people with mild high blood pressure respond to one medication. It may take a few tries to find the most effective drug. However,…

Can a combination of lifestyle changes and blood pressure medication work?

In most cases, a combination of lifestyle changes and medication can help you successfully control your blood pressure. However, it’s not unusual to try several medications or doses before finding what works best for you. An important way for you and your doctor to know if your treatment is working is to monitor your blood pressure at home.

What are the different types of blood pressure medications?

The classes of blood pressure medications include: Diuretics. Beta-blockers. ACE inhibitors. Angiotensin II receptor blockers. Calcium channel blockers. Alpha blockers.

Are there any alternatives to high blood pressure medications?

Please note that not every doctor knows all the options. Doctors do not use alternatives because of the lack of research. This is especially true of medications for blood pressure. This is a very controversial topic. One site with several negative comments about this site included one who said he was a medical doctor.

How many medications can you take for uncontrolled blood pressure?

Combination medications are already available on the market and typically are only recommended for people who have uncontrolled blood pressure and take maximum doses of two medications.

In most cases, a combination of lifestyle changes and medication can help you successfully control your blood pressure. However, it’s not unusual to try several medications or doses before finding what works best for you. An important way for you and your doctor to know if your treatment is working is to monitor your blood pressure at home.