Can you have neck and back surgery at the same time?

Can you have neck and back surgery at the same time?

During cervical fusion surgery, damaged portions of the neck (cervical) area of the spine are joined together. Through an incision in the front or back of the neck, the spine surgeon removes the discs, or disc fragments between the vertebrae, to relieve pressure on the spinal cord.

Are back operations successful?

Although lumbar decompression is often successful, like all types of surgery it carries a risk of complications. Complications associated with lumbar decompression surgery include: infection at the site of the operation, or in rare cases an infection elsewhere.

Which is the most common surgery for neck pain?

Anterior cervical discectomy. This is the most common surgery to relieve neck pain caused by a nerve-pinching herniated disk. The surgeon exposes your spine through an incision in the front of your neck right next to your windpipe.

Are there any new options for back surgery?

However, a new option called key-hole endoscopic spine surgery is now available.

How is Spinal fusion performed on the neck?

After exposing the spine through an incision on the back of the neck, the doctor then reconstructs the vertebral laminae to enlarge the spinal canal. Cervical spinal fusion. This surgical procedure joins together two vertebrae that are grinding against each other because the disk between them has herniated or been worn away.

What are the risks of having neck surgery?

Because neck surgery is performed around the throat and near the spinal cord, there is a small but real risk of very serious complications. These can include: Damage to one of the large arteries and veins that go through the neck into the brain. Damage to the nerves or spinal cord.

What are the different types of neck surgery?

There are several different types of neck surgery. The type of surgery you may need depends on several factors, including what’s causing your condition, your doctor’s recommendation, and your personal preference. Here are some of the most common types of neck surgeries.

What happens to the low back after neck surgery?

The fact that the low back now has less of a curve after neck surgery means that the discs there will take on more body weight. This can lead to eventual low-back-disc failures, like bulges, degeneration, and herniations. On the other hand, if you have too much curve, it may be possible to correct that through the neck?

How is the neck connected to the lower back?

The Connected Spine. Your spine is one machine from its top to the bottom. The neck is connected to the upper back, which is connected to the lower back, which is connected to the pelvis.

Which is the best surgery for neck compression?

A spinal fusion is then performed to give stability to the area. This procedure is similar to ACDF and is done to treat compression of the spinal cord. It may be the best surgical option if you have bone spurs that can’t be removed by a surgery like ACDF.