Can you have acid reflux without a sore throat?

Can you have acid reflux without a sore throat?

Despite its name, silent reflux, also known as Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR), is anything but quiet. The condition, which causes throat irritation and pain, is referred to as silent reflux because it often lacks the hallmark symptom of GERD and typical acid reflux – heartburn.

Why does my throat hurt and I Can’t Swallow?

Difficulty swallowing, Sore throat and Soreness or burning inside of mouth. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms difficulty swallowing, sore throat and soreness or burning inside of mouth including Viral pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, and Strep throat.

Why does my esophagus burn when I have a sore throat?

So, the burning in throat and esophagus is not as usual as sore throat but the causes are the same because this condition can be the consequence of the spreading of the inflammatory process from sore throat. Those triggers are the inflammation of the tonsils an infection caused by a bacteria…

Why do I feel pain in my esophagus when I swallow?

Normally you don’t feel it except when you are swallowing. However, if the inside lining of your esophagus becomes inflamed, you may experience pain or problems with swallowing. This inflammation of the esophagus is called esophagitis.

What’s the difference between a sore throat and a burning throat?

But, this condition is not the same thing as the sore throat; while the burning throat is marked by an ardent and intense pain sore throat is associated with the pain at the base of the tongue (fauces and tonsils are affected) and pharynx (the tube which connects the esophagus to the nasal cavity).

Difficulty swallowing, Sore throat and Soreness or burning inside of mouth. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms difficulty swallowing, sore throat and soreness or burning inside of mouth including Viral pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, and Strep throat.

So, the burning in throat and esophagus is not as usual as sore throat but the causes are the same because this condition can be the consequence of the spreading of the inflammatory process from sore throat. Those triggers are the inflammation of the tonsils an infection caused by a bacteria…

Normally you don’t feel it except when you are swallowing. However, if the inside lining of your esophagus becomes inflamed, you may experience pain or problems with swallowing. This inflammation of the esophagus is called esophagitis.

But, this condition is not the same thing as the sore throat; while the burning throat is marked by an ardent and intense pain sore throat is associated with the pain at the base of the tongue (fauces and tonsils are affected) and pharynx (the tube which connects the esophagus to the nasal cavity).