Can you have a rectocele and Enterocele?

Can you have a rectocele and Enterocele?

A rectocele and an enterocele may occur together. Because rectocele and enterocele are defects of the pelvic supporting tissue and not the bowel wall, they are treated most successfully with surgery that repairs the vaginal wall.

Can a colorectal surgeon repair a rectocele?

A rectocele can also be repaired by a colorectal surgeon through a transanal repair. The rectocele is reached through the anus. This method is preferred by many colorectal surgeons because it allows for correction of problems in the anal or rectal area, in addition to repairing the rectocele.

How to avoid bowel movements after rectocele repair?

It is vital to avoid returning to your pattern of preoperative straining to empty your bowels after your rectocele repair. Emergency bowel management strategy is outlined below to avoid straining if you become constipated after rectocele repair surgery. 2. Correct Bowel Movement Position

How can you tell if you have rectocele or enterocele?

The most significant symptom of a rectocele is chronic constipation or incomplete bowel movements despite fingers inserted into the vagina to assist evacuation or bridging to assist movement (two fingers shaped like a V pushing up against the labia and/or perineum during defecation). Bowels may still feel full after a movement.

What’s the difference between intussusception, rectocele and enterocele?

Let’s shine a bit of light on the difference between rectocele, intussusception, rectal prolapse, and enterocele. A rectocele is a bulge in the anterior (front) or posterior (rear) rectal wall. During a bowel movement when a rectocele is present, stool typically remains trapped in the bulge.

Why do I have so much gas after rectocele repair?

Gas or wind in the bowel is caused by: Bacterial fermentation of unabsorbed food in the large bowel If you are prone to bloating and gas with particular foods watch out for this pitfall after your rectocele repair. Repeatedly bearing down trying to pass wind and alleviate gas discomfort can cause you to bear down strain your pelvic floor.

What should you expect after a rectocele surgery?

Most people who have enterocele or rectocele repair surgery don’t have problems after their surgery. After your surgery, you may experience: Pain. Vaginal bleeding. Infection. Injury to the bladder or ureters (tubes that take urine from the kidneys to the bladder) Incontinence (urinary leakage)

When to have rectocele surgery?

Rectocele surgery is usually performed on women with moderate to severe posterior vaginal wall prolapse that effects their quality of life. Surgery is usually performed when non surgical rectocele treatment techniques have been unsuccessful.

Can rectocele be corrected?

The large rectocele is repaired by surgery and it pushes up the rectum to its correct position. This method is inpatient that is the patient would have to stay in the hospital for a few days, under the care of doctor. There are two ways by which the surgery can be performed.

What are the different rectocele symptoms?

Symptoms of Rectocele. The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Rectocele includes the 8 symptoms listed below: Bulge inside the vagina. Symptoms of third degree rectocele: Protrusion outside the vagina. Feeling of vaginal fullness. Vaginal protrusion worse on coughing or sneezing.