Can you get mild shingles?

Can you get mild shingles?

For some people, the symptoms of shingles are mild. They might just have some itching. For others, shingles can cause intense pain that can be felt from the gentlest touch or breeze.

Where do shingles usually appear on the body?

The rash often appears on only one side of your body. The most common locations are the chest, back, or stomach, or above one eye. Most cases of shingles cause severe pain and itching, and can leave scars. Fluid-filled blisters develop, break, and crust over during and a few weeks after an outbreak.

How to tell if you have a shingles rash?

Photophobia ( sensitivity to light) in case the rash involves the forehead. Fatigue. The typical shingles rash is seen as blisters following pain, itching, and tingling. It is usually limited to one side of the face and body. Rash and blisters of shingles appear on one side of the face extending to the scalp and ear.

Can you get shingles without a blistering rash?

Shingles usually causes a painful, blistering rash. It can also cause internal symptoms, appear without a rash, and may spread to internal organs.

Where did the shingles rash get its name?

Shingles is also known as herpes zoster. Anyone who has had the chickenpox can later get shingles. The name “shingles” comes from the Latin word for “girdle,” and refers to how the shingles rash often forms a girdle or belt, usually on one side of the torso.

How can I catch shingles?

The virus is spread through direct contact with fluid from the rash blisters caused by shingles.A person with active shingles can spread the virus when the rash is in the blister-phase, however a person is not infectious before the blisters appear. Once the rash has developed crusts the person is no longer contagious.

What happens if the shingles don’t erupt?

What Happens If the Shingles Don’t Erupt? Flu-Like Illness. Some people with zoster sine herpete report the gradual onset of flu-like illness on or shortly before… Pain and Sensory Alterations. Pain represents the dominant symptom of shingles and it occurs even in the absence of a… Movement

What are the stages of shingles?

When you get shingles, you typically experience four stages: the pre-rash stage, the red rash stage, the fluid-filled blister stage, and the crusting or scabbing stage. I’ll go through what shingles looks like in each stage. The first sign of shingles is typically pain without a rash.

Is shingles without a rash contagious?

Shingles Without Rash – In Summary. Shingles without rash are characterized by a belt-shaped, reddening and blistering skin rash that can cause severe pain and impact almost any area of the body. It is a reactivation in the shape of remaining chickenpox viruses. The bubble content is contagious.