Can you get a blood clot just below the knee?

Can you get a blood clot just below the knee?

Only 1 in 5 blood below knee DVTs will grow (extend) along the veins, but once a blood clot reaches the veins in the thigh (“Above knee DVT) the risk of the blood clot traveling to the lungs is high. (See information on Above Knee DVT).

How to tell if you have a blood clot behind the knee?

The symptoms of a blood clot behind the knee or any type of VTE in the leg can include: 1 redness in the knee or calf area. 2 swelling in the knee or leg. 3 a warm area behind the knee or in the leg. 4 pain in the knee or leg, which may feel similar to a cramp.

What does it feel like to have blood clot in upper thigh?

If a blood clot forms in your upper thigh or lower leg and blocks one of your deep veins, your skin may feel warm to touch. Dr. Kuashal Patel, who is a vascular surgeon at Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center, says that the location of the leg clot usually feels warm.

What happens if you have a blood clot in the back of your leg?

Venous thrombosis in one or both of your legs can cause the back of your leg to become discolored. The journal Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology reports that DVT often results in skin discoloration. As already mentioned, warmth and redness are often associated with deep vein blood clots.

Can a small blood clot cause no symptoms?

Smaller blood clots may cause mild to no symptoms, whereas large clot behind the knee may cause the following symptoms: Doctor Stuart T. Haines says that a small blood clot below the knee is unlikely to cause symptoms. According to the doctor, the clot may, in rare cases, extend or form above the knee.

What does a blood clot behind the knee feel like?

A blood clot behind the knee may feel numb and painful. Blood clots in vein commonly just under the skin as said are often not harmless, most will clear up on their own within a month. Proper treatment can ease the pain and discomfort caused by a blood clot in the back of the knee.

What are the early symptoms of a blood clot?

It is more common in deeper veins within the legs. Blood clots obstruct blood flow, which disrupts blood circulation and affects blood flow to and from the heart. Early signs of a blood clot are swelling, warmth, and pain.

What to know about a blood clot behind the knee?

  • leg swelling
  • severe pain especially when standing or walking upstairs
  • redness behind knee
  • warmth

    What causes a blood clot in the back of the knee?

    If the back of your knee feels swollen or sore: This could be a symptom of a blood clot behind your knee. The popliteal vein runs through the back of your knee, close to the skin. At first, the pain just may feel like a cramp in the lower leg. If you notice swelling, it is important to get medical help immediately.