Can TURP cause overactive bladder?

Can TURP cause overactive bladder?

Results: After TURP, the frequency of bladder overactivity were 2-4 times a day, and lasted for 5-15 min each time in control group. The frequency and lasting time of bladder overactivity in treatment groups at different time were less than those in control group (P < 0.01, P < 0.001).

When to increase urinary frequency after prostate TURP?

Prostate exercise will in time allow more bladder control, less urgency and frequency. You can increase the number and duration of sets during the day when all is well. If your urine tests for infection then oral antibiotics will work.

How long after TURP can you go through night?

The doctor put me on Vesicare to help with the frequency and bladder spasms. Now, 9 weeks after the procedure, I have excellent flow and no pain or discomfort. I still have the urgency and frequency, but it is gradually improving and now I can last as long as 3 hours during the day and get through the night completely.

How is the TURP after the laser procedure?

Now, 9 weeks after the procedure, I have excellent flow and no pain or discomfort. I still have the urgency and frequency, but it is gradually improving and now I can last as long as 3 hours during the day and get through the night completely. For a few weeks I was regretting the decision to have the TURP, but now I’m glad I had it done.

When was the last time I had a TURP?

Just saw your story/post. Had TURP 1 week ago. Not veryet happy so far. Glad you are ok. Hello. Some doctor don’t tell you the whole story. There have been men on this post that have had a turp and they have problem up to a year. All men heal at a different rate. Good luck and I do hope you guys feel better Ken Hi! I had the TURP 16 days ago.

When does urinary frequency settle after a TURP?

My Consultant is rather dismissive of my concerns, telling me that frequency is a normal side effect that will settle in two to eight weeks. I’m very anxious and just looking for reassurance that what I am going through is fairly normal and usually settles down in time. Ron here… Urinary frequency after TURP is a common occurrence.

The doctor put me on Vesicare to help with the frequency and bladder spasms. Now, 9 weeks after the procedure, I have excellent flow and no pain or discomfort. I still have the urgency and frequency, but it is gradually improving and now I can last as long as 3 hours during the day and get through the night completely.

Now, 9 weeks after the procedure, I have excellent flow and no pain or discomfort. I still have the urgency and frequency, but it is gradually improving and now I can last as long as 3 hours during the day and get through the night completely. For a few weeks I was regretting the decision to have the TURP, but now I’m glad I had it done.

Just saw your story/post. Had TURP 1 week ago. Not veryet happy so far. Glad you are ok. Hello. Some doctor don’t tell you the whole story. There have been men on this post that have had a turp and they have problem up to a year. All men heal at a different rate. Good luck and I do hope you guys feel better Ken Hi! I had the TURP 16 days ago.