Can the throat be affected by genital warts?

Can the throat be affected by genital warts?

Human papilloma virus (HPV), commonly known as the virus that causes genital warts and cervical cancer in women, is increasingly being recognized now as a cause of infections that colonize the back of the mouth (throat or oropharynx), including the tongue base and tonsils, and potentially a cause of cancer of the head …

Can HPV in the throat be treated?

Treatment for HPV-positive throat cancer is very similar to treatment for other types of throat cancer. Treatments for both HPV-positive and non-HPV throat cancers are similar. The goal in treatment is to get rid of cancer cells around the throat area so they don’t spread or cause any further complications.

Can genital warts be transmitted orally?

Although it’s rare, genital warts can also be passed on through oral sex and affect the mouth and throat. You can only get genital warts from someone else who has the virus, but be aware that not everyone will know if they have it.

What should I do if I have genital warts?

If your doctor diagnoses you with genital warts, she will likely prescribe you a treatment that you apply directly to your skin. It’s important to use a prescribed medication for genital warts and not an over-the-counter remedy. Your doctor may prescribe imiquimod, podophyllin, or podofilox or to treat the lesion.

What kind of cream is used for genital warts?

Sinecatechins (Veregen). This cream is used for treatment of external genital warts and warts in or around the anal canal. Side effects, such as reddening of the skin, itching or burning, and pain, are often mild.

How often to inject interferon alpha for genital warts?

Interferon alpha — At the base of each wart, your doctor will inject 3 million international units (IU) of interferon. You will repeat this process with the doctor three times per week for the next three weeks. For bigger warts multiple injection may be done. The warts should disappear after four to eight weeks.

Can a person have genital warts in their throat?

By “throat” genital warts I suspect you mean in your mouth as HPV infection of the throat is very rare. In fact, to even be diagnosed with oral warts is rather unusual; infection by HPV of the oral cavity is a relatively recently described concern and rapidly evolving scientific field for which there is much misunderstanding.