Can statins cause Guillain Barre Syndrome?

Can statins cause Guillain Barre Syndrome?

Conclusions: The addition of fusidic acid can precipitate rhabdomyolysis in patients with diabetes already taking a statin. This can present with rapidly progressive weakness resembling Guillain-Barré syndrome.

What precedes Guillain Barre?

The exact cause of Guillain-Barre syndrome is unknown. But two-thirds of patients report symptoms of an infection in the six weeks preceding. These include respiratory or a gastrointestinal infection or Zika virus.

Who is most susceptible to Guillain Barre?

Who is at risk for developing GBS? Anyone can develop GBS; however, in the United States, it is more common in men and adults older than 50.

What is being destroyed in Guillain Barre Syndrome?

Normally, the cells of the immune system attack only foreign material and invading organisms, but in GBS, the immune system starts to destroy the myelin sheath that surrounds the axons of many nerve cells, and, sometimes, the axons themselves.

What happens if you don’t treat Guillain Barre?

The symptoms can quickly worsen and can be fatal if left untreated. In severe cases, people with Guillain-Barré syndrome can develop full-body paralysis. The condition can be life threatening if paralysis affects the diaphragm or chest muscles, preventing proper breathing.

Can a person with Guillain Barre syndrome relapse?

Around 3 percent of people with Guillain-Barré syndrome experience a relapse. Severe, early symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome significantly increase the risk of serious long-term complications. Rarely, death may occur from complications such as respiratory distress syndrome and heart attack.

How does molecular mimicry work in Guillain Barre syndrome?

Different mechanisms may explain how the molecular mimicry concept may work. When Guillain-Barré syndrome is preceded by a viral or bacterial infection, it is possible that the infecting agent has changed the chemical structure of some nerves. The immune system treats these nerves as foreign bodies and mistakenly attacks them.

Where does Guillain Barre Syndrome take place in the body?

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of its peripheral nervous system—the network of nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord.

How does plasma therapy work for Guillain Barre syndrome?

Plasma contains antibodies and PE removes some plasma; PE may work by removing the bad antibodies that have been damaging the nerves. Immunoglobulins are proteins that the immune system naturally makes to attack infecting organisms. IVIg therapy involves intravenous injections of these immunoglobulins.