Can PID be mild?

Can PID be mild?

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the female reproductive organs. It most often occurs when sexually transmitted bacteria spread from your vagina to your uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries. The signs and symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease can be subtle or mild.

Is pelvic inflammatory disease noticeable?

Some lower abdominal pain is normal during your menstrual cycle, but pain caused by pelvic inflammatory disease is much more aggressive and noticeable than regular menstrual cramping.

Which is the most reliable method to diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease?

Pelvic examination There is no one test that can accurately diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease. Instead, your doctor will rely on a combination of findings from: Your medical history. Your doctor will likely ask about your sexual habits, history of sexually transmitted infections and method of birth control.

Is the renal pelvis the same as the extrarenal pelvis?

A:Extrarenal pelvis is a variant of normal renal pelvis, a chamber where all urine forming ducts meet before transmitting the formed urine via a long tube, ureter, to the urinary bladder. Normally, the renal pelvis is surrounded by kidney substance and fat, and hardly has any capacity.

How often does the extrarenal pelvis appear dilated?

It is found in ~10% of the population 2 . An extrarenal pelvis usually appears dilated, erroneously suggesting obstructive pathology. Subsequent investigation with CT usually clarifies a false interpretation on ultrasound.

What do you need to know about bilateral hydronephrosis?

Bilateral hydronephrosis occurs when urine is unable to drain from the kidney into the bladder. Hydronephrosis is not itself a disease. Chronic bilateral obstructive uropathy – a gradual blockage of both kidneys is most often from a common singular obstruction.

When to use a CT for an extrarenal pelvis?

An extrarenal pelvis usually appears dilated, erroneously suggesting obstructive pathology. Subsequent investigation with CT usually clarifies a false interpretation on ultrasound. After evaluation with ultrasound and/or CT/MRI, if there is still confusion about whether a dilated renal pelvis is obstructed or not, renal scintigraphy can clarify

What does it mean to have bilateral extrarenal pelvis?

An extrarenal pelvis is a renal pelvis that protrudes from the familiar, bean-shaped indentation in the middle of the kidney. “Bilateral” indicates that both pelvises in both kidneys exhibit this anatomical variation. An extrarenal pelvis is a normal variation from the usual anatomy, and it does not indicate a state of disease.

What is the difference between pelvicaliectasis and hydronephrosis?

Hydronephrosis is a term used to describe a dilated renal pelvis and calyces that are specifically caused by an obstructive process. Pelvicaliectasis exists when the renal pelvis and calyces are dilated without any evidence of obstruction. There are multiple causes of pelvicaliectasis and hydronephrosis.

Can a renal pelvis be mistaken for an extrarenal pelvis?

When this happens, the renal pelvis distends and protrudes, which can be mistaken for an extrarenal pelvis on occasion. An extrarenal pelvis is a normal variation from the usual anatomy, and it does not indicate a state of disease.

Bilateral hydronephrosis occurs when urine is unable to drain from the kidney into the bladder. Hydronephrosis is not itself a disease. Chronic bilateral obstructive uropathy – a gradual blockage of both kidneys is most often from a common singular obstruction.