Can limited-stage small cell lung cancer be cured?

Can limited-stage small cell lung cancer be cured?

Although small cell lung cancer is an aggressive disease, it responds well to initial chemotherapy and radiation. The goal of treatment for people with limited-stage small cell lung cancer is cure, which is achieved in 20 to 25 percent of patients.

How does small cell lung cancer progress?

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is an aggressive form of lung cancer. It is characterized by rapid, uncontrolled growth of certain cells in the lungs. Eventually, a tumor forms and the cancer can spread (metastasize) to other areas of the body.

How many people are diagnosed with small cell lung cancer?

Approximately 15 percent of the people diagnosed with lung cancer suffer from small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Even though that is less than one-fifth of the total cases, its aggressive nature and the tendency to spread to the other parts of the body make it one of the most dreaded diseases today.

How is small cell lung cancer treated in limited stage?

In limited stage small cell lung cancer it’s most often used along with chemo to treat the tumor and lymph nodes in the chest. Or it could be used on the brain to try to keep the cancer from spreading there.

How can you tell if you have small cell lung cancer?

Some of these variables include: The Stage and Possible Spread of Cancer: Small cell lung cancer may be localized to your lungs (limited stage small cell lung cancer) or have spread to regions of your body beyond your lungs (extensive stage small cell lung cancer). Spread to the brain and liver, in particular, are associated with poorer survival.

When did my Mum find out she had lung cancer?

My lovely mum was diagnosed with Stage III lung cancer in April this year after what may have been a misdiagnosed biopsy earlier in the year in which they thought that the mass on her lung was of ‘cut glass appearance’ and not cancerous.

Approximately 15 percent of the people diagnosed with lung cancer suffer from small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Even though that is less than one-fifth of the total cases, its aggressive nature and the tendency to spread to the other parts of the body make it one of the most dreaded diseases today.

In limited stage small cell lung cancer it’s most often used along with chemo to treat the tumor and lymph nodes in the chest. Or it could be used on the brain to try to keep the cancer from spreading there.

Some of these variables include: The Stage and Possible Spread of Cancer: Small cell lung cancer may be localized to your lungs (limited stage small cell lung cancer) or have spread to regions of your body beyond your lungs (extensive stage small cell lung cancer). Spread to the brain and liver, in particular, are associated with poorer survival.

Can a small cell lung cancer spread to the brain?

The stage and possible spread of your cancer: Small cell lung cancer may be localized to your lungs (limited stage small cell lung cancer) or have spread to regions of your body beyond your lungs (extensive stage small cell lung cancer). Spread to the brain and liver, in particular, are associated with poorer survival.