Can I ski after tibial plateau fracture?

Can I ski after tibial plateau fracture?

Conclusion: A large percentage of skiers with surgically treated intra-articular tibial plateau fractures cannot continue to participate in downhill skiing; however, the majority could resume an active lifestyle for several years after the trauma.

When to take a crutch after a tibial plateau fracture?

Begin stationary bike and pool exercise program (when incisions healed) Begin partial weight bearing at 25% of body weight and increase by 25% approximately every 3 days. May progress to one crutch at 71/2 weeks as tolerated, gradually wean off of crutches by week 8 – 9

How long does it take for a tibia plateau fracture to heal?

at that time. After twelve weeks, patients can be full weight bearing if there is radiographic evidence of healing. In unstable fractures, NWB is maintained for twelve weeks with progression determined by radiograph and surgeon’s preference. 2 At Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), patients with tibial plateau fractures are managed

What does a non displaced tibial plateau fracture mean?

You have chest pain. You have difficulty breathing. Summary. A tibial plateau fracture is a break in the top of the shin bone (tibia), which forms the bottom of the knee joint. A nondisplaced fracture means that the broken pieces of bone have not moved out of their normal position.

Can a tibial plateau fracture be caused by running?

Great care should be taken in getting in and out of the water if any reasonable surf is running. The possibility for a sheer fracture of the knee from a twisting or rotational movement in the water is very real. 1) I can’t walk down stairs without holding onto the handrail. I also cant walk down steps leading with my bad leg.

How to treat a tibial plateau fracture after surgery?

0 to 1 week: 1 Ice and modalities to reduce pain and inflammation. 2 Use crutches non-weight bearing for 6 weeks. 3 Brace for 6 weeks in full extension. 4 Elevate the knee above the heart for the first 3 to 5 days. 5 Initiate patella mobility drills. 6 (more items)

When can I walk without crutches after a tibial plateau?

The physio recommended hiring an exercycle (stationary bike) and pedalling for a few minutes twice daily to build strength in my leg. It was excruciating. After about 8 weeks post accident, the physio had me learning to walk again. I was allowed to ‘walk’ for 5 minutes a day.

What is the average age of a tibial plateau fracture?

Tibial plateau fractures can occur as a result of high-energy trauma or in low-energy trauma when bone quality is poor. The most common mechanism of injury is motor vehicle accident, followed by falls and sports injuries, with 40% of injuries being poly-trauma. The mean age of people with this type of fracture is 50.

How long does it take to recover from a crutch?

You will be spending a few days in a hospital bed then progressing to a wheel chair and crutches, which you will be using for about 2 months, possibly followed by a single crutch and walking stick (see paragraph above – “weight bearing”). It could be up to 3 months on crutches, and up to 6 still using a walking stick (but usually much less).