Can cervical spine problems cause arm pain?

Can cervical spine problems cause arm pain?

Problems in the cervical spine- or the section of the spine in your neck, can cause pain in the neck as well as numbness and weakness in the arms. Not every person with neck pain also develops arm pain, but if it does occur it is called cervical radiculopathy.

Can a strained neck cause arm and neck pain?

Such pain too can radiate to the arms and fingers, along with other symptoms of cervical radiculopathy. Neck Muscles can get strained from over work, stretching beyond the normal range of motion or other conditions. Strained neck muscles can cause pain and muscle spasms can cause severe pain in the neck.

Can a neck problem cause your hands to hurt?

Problems with any of these nerve roots may result in hand pain that can range from mild and intermittent to sharp and persistent. A number of neck conditions can cause pain extending to your hands.

Can a pinched nerve cause arm and neck pain?

Nerve symptoms generally include pain, burning sensation, numbness, tingling or feeling as if pins and needles were poked, changes in sensation and weakness. When nerves in the neck region get pinched, the pain can radiate to shoulders, arms and hands.

What to do for arm and neck pain?

Neck and arm pain can be treated with rest, cold or heat packs, antiinflammatories and muscle relaxants, physical therapy and muscle strengthening exercises. Was this article helpful?

Can a C3-C4 herniated disc cause neck pain?

The bones in the neck region of the spine, known as cervical vertebrae, are numbered 1 to 7 beginning from the top. Neck pain caused by a C3-C4 herniated disc can be limited to the neck, just over the disc. In some cases, the disc heals by itself and the symptoms disappear.

Can a neck problem cause pain in the arms?

Can neck problems cause pain in the arms? Problems in the cervical spine- or the section of the spine in your neck, can cause pain in the neck as well as numbness and weakness in the arms. Not every person with neck pain also develops arm pain, but if it does occur it is called cervical radiculopathy.

Can a herniated C3 disc cause arm and leg weakness?

Neck pain caused by a C3-C4 herniated disc can be limited to the neck, just over the disc. In some cases, the disc heals by itself and the symptoms disappear. Arm and leg weakness can occur if the C3-C4 disc is herniated, because the disc can push on nerves that control movement.

What are the symptoms of a C3 and C4 hernia?

The C3 and C4 disc — commonly noted as C3-C4 — is between the third and fourth cervical vertebrae. When a disc tears, or herniates, its gel-like center is pushed outward and can exert pressure on nearby nerves or the spinal cord. Symptoms of a C3-C4 herniated disc may include neck pain, headache, numbness, tingling,