Can an ear infection cause diarrhea and nausea?

Can an ear infection cause diarrhea and nausea?

There may also be a thick, yellow discharge of fluid coming from the ears or hearing loss can also occur due to fluid and inflammation of the ear canal. Other symptoms associated with ear infections include fever, irritability, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Can a bad ear infection cause nausea?

If you experience symptoms of an ear infection such as ear pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, spinning sensation, fullness in the ear, ringing in the ear, problems with balance or walking, or hearing loss, see a doctor. A doctor will look into the ear with an instrument called an otoscope.

Can fluid in your ear make you nauseous?

In older children and adults, symptoms include earache, hearing problems, fullness or pressure in the ear, fever, drainage from the ear, dizziness and loss of balance, and nausea or vomiting. Symptoms without pain or fever can also mean that there’s fluid in the ear and should be looked into.

What are the symptoms of nausea and ringing in the ears?

Dizziness, Nausea or vomiting and Ringing in ears. Symptoms of drug dependence and abuse include bloodshot eyes, frequent nosebleeds, drowsiness, and more.

What causes diarrhea, ear ache and headache?

Diarrhea, Ear ache and Headache. Acute sinusitis, an inflammation of the sinuses, causes sinus pain and tenderness, facial redness and more.

Can a middle ear infection cause a headache?

A middle ear infection puts pressure on the eardrum, causing pain and, sometimes, hearing loss. Migraines are a common type of headache that can cause severe pain, aura or flashes in vision, and tingling. Nearsightedness is a common eye problem that causes blurry, distant vision.

Why do I keep getting headaches and ringing in my ears?

Headaches can happen for a number of reasons, but many causes for headaches can be quite benign and not serious: Because migraines and headaches can often happen somewhat randomly and without warning, individual’s who deal with these conditions may experience general stress and anxiety about when the next one will hit.

Dizziness, Nausea or vomiting and Ringing in ears. Symptoms of drug dependence and abuse include bloodshot eyes, frequent nosebleeds, drowsiness, and more.

Diarrhea, Ear ache and Headache. Acute sinusitis, an inflammation of the sinuses, causes sinus pain and tenderness, facial redness and more.

A middle ear infection puts pressure on the eardrum, causing pain and, sometimes, hearing loss. Migraines are a common type of headache that can cause severe pain, aura or flashes in vision, and tingling. Nearsightedness is a common eye problem that causes blurry, distant vision.

Headaches can happen for a number of reasons, but many causes for headaches can be quite benign and not serious: Because migraines and headaches can often happen somewhat randomly and without warning, individual’s who deal with these conditions may experience general stress and anxiety about when the next one will hit.