Can a UTI drain your energy?

Can a UTI drain your energy?

You have a urinary tract infection (UTI). While pain and burning during urination may be the most common symptom of a UTI, some people may feel fatigued, too. In fact, fighting any infection can drain your energy. Do this: Tell your doctor you’re feeling tired.

Can a UTI cause fatigue after a sinus infection?

UTIs can absolutely cause the symptoms you describe, especially if you have had another infection prior. But the level of fatigue is extreme and I would definitely follow up with your doctor if you still feel like this in a day or two. Good luck. From December 15, I had a stubborn sinus infection.

Why do I feel like I have a UTI?

Extreme fatigue, like Mashunkashey experienced. If you have unexplained fatigue, a sneaky urinary tract infection could be to blame. A few more telltale signs of a UTI that may be present:

Can a UTI cause a woman to be fatigued?

She adds that as many as 1 in 5 UTIs don’t cause the red flags most women associate with the infections, like burning, pain, or frequent urges to urinate. Instead, women notice fatigue, lower-back pain, and muscle aches — subtle symptoms they (and their doctors) don’t link to UTIs.

Is it possible to have a UTI with no symptoms?

If you have a UTI, back pain might also be something you notice. Back pain is one of the common symptoms of a bladder infection, which is a type of UTI. But is it possible to have a UTI without Symptoms?

Extreme fatigue, like Mashunkashey experienced. If you have unexplained fatigue, a sneaky urinary tract infection could be to blame. A few more telltale signs of a UTI that may be present:

She adds that as many as 1 in 5 UTIs don’t cause the red flags most women associate with the infections, like burning, pain, or frequent urges to urinate. Instead, women notice fatigue, lower-back pain, and muscle aches — subtle symptoms they (and their doctors) don’t link to UTIs.

If you have a UTI, back pain might also be something you notice. Back pain is one of the common symptoms of a bladder infection, which is a type of UTI. But is it possible to have a UTI without Symptoms?

Can a UTI cause burning in the urinary tract?

This symptom is one of the key signs that a person may have a urinary tract infection. Burning urination or painful urination is medically known as dysuria. It can be caused by infectious and noninfectious conditions.