Can a sinus infection cause a cough but no wheezing?

Can a sinus infection cause a cough but no wheezing?

Undertreated allergies can lead to chronic sinus infection, which causes cough by postnasal drip, so we may want to treat for this as well. Could she have “cough variant” asthma that causes a cough but no wheezing?

Can a person have a cough with no fever?

In some cases, a person can experience a cough without fever after the initial infection has resolved. According to one 2016 article, inflammation increased mucus production, and damage to the upper and lower airways can cause a post-infectious cough. A person may experience a post-infectious cough after the following conditions:

Can a cough be a sign of an infection?

Coughs that are due to an infection are often accompanied by a fever. However, in some cases, people will not develop a fever. In other cases, the cough is a symptom that persists long after the initial fever has passed.

What causes a runny nose, cough and fever?

Chronic sinusitis, or sinus infections, cause a stuffy or runny nose, tooth pain, fever, sore throat and more. Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection of the lungs causing muscle aches, fever, chest pain, cough, and more. Small cell lung cancer is the least common type of lung cancer and can cause a cough, chest pain, and more.

Undertreated allergies can lead to chronic sinus infection, which causes cough by postnasal drip, so we may want to treat for this as well. Could she have “cough variant” asthma that causes a cough but no wheezing?

Is it possible to have a sinus infection without congestion?

If you have the above symptoms you may be suffering from a sinus headache and may have a sinus infection also known as sinusitis. Talk to a PlushCare doctor to get an official diagnosis and treatment plan. If you don’t have any congestion in your nose or sinuses, it is not likely you have a sinus headache.

Can a sinus infection cause postnasal drip cough?

Postnasal drip is when mucus from the nose and sinuses drips down the back of the throat. When the mucus drips into the throat, it can trigger a cough. Although this cough is often productive, it can sometimes also be dry. Postnasal drip often occurs with a sinus infection or due to a nasal allergy, such as hay fever.

Can a sinus infection cause chronic sinusitis?

Chronic sinusitis can be brought on by an infection, by growths in the sinuses (nasal polyps) or by a deviated nasal septum.