Can a pap smear detect polyps?

Can a pap smear detect polyps?

No, but routine pelvic exams and Pap tests can help detect and treat cervical polyps before they cause symptoms.

How long do you bleed after a cervical polyp is removed?

Spotting of blood from the vagina may occur for 2 to 3 days after the polyp is removed. Sometimes a coffee ground or yellowish discharge can happen for a few days from the liquid we use to stop the bleeding.

How long will I bleed after polyp removal?

You may have light bleeding immediately after a uterine polyp removal. You may also have discharge for up to 14 days after the treatment. The fluid may be light pink to brown in color. Your menstruation cycle will return as normal after a polypectomy.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after polyp removal?

There is at least one good study that revealed that removal of the polyp increases the chances of conceiving. The study found that when a polyp was removed, the pregnancy rate was 63%. However, if the polyp was not removed at hysteroscopy, the pregnancy rate was only 28%.

Can you have a successful pregnancy with a polyp?

The association between endometrial polyps and subfertility is controversial, as many women with polyps have successful pregnancies. However, recently there has been an accumulation of publications in the literature, suggesting that the polyps are indeed relevant to fertility and fertility treatment outcome.

How long does it take to remove cervical polyp?

It was done at a local hospital at the first appt and the polyp was pulled out. I didn’t need any anaesthetic, a bit uncomfortable and was done within a few minutes. Afterwards a tiny bit of bleeding and that was it. I had one removed under GA a few years ago.

Can a Pap smear show uterine polyp?

I had a smear last year that showed abnormal cells but not pap cells. So advised to do nothing as it would probably resolve itself, if asymptomatic and I had no problems. Later on the year i started spotting and then I went onto have a full blown period like bleed and pain.

Can a polyp be pulled out of a smear test?

The information I read online suggested polyps could just be pulled out, sometimes by your own doctor or during the smear test, and there wouldn’t be much bleeding. Does this mean I have a larger polyp?

Can a polyp be removed with no symptoms?

The first GP categoriacally said removal of polyps with no symptoms was simple what they did, nothing more than that, this second doctor has made me worry somehow. So confused and worrying. Please don’t worry at all – I have had these twice.

Can a polyp be removed from the vagina?

Most cervical polyps are benign, cause no problems, and don’t come back once they’re removed. Can I Prevent Cervical Polyps? No, but routine pelvic exams and Pap tests can help detect and treat cervical polyps before they cause symptoms. Harvard Health: “Cervical Polyps.” BJOG: “Why Remove All Cervical Polyps and Examine Them Histologically?”

Can a Pap smear be done after a partial hysterectomy?

Pap test, also called a Pap smear, is a routine screening test for early diagnosis of cervical cancer. If you had a partial hysterectomy — when the uterus is removed but the lower end of the uterus (cervix) remains — your doctor will likely recommend continued Pap tests.

Do you have to have polyps removed if you have no symptoms?

If uterine polyps are not causing you any discomfort and have no symptoms, it is not mandatory to undergo treatment. However, if your doctor recommends the removal of polyps, you have to ensure that only an expert performs the procedure. Having an expert gynecologist remove the uterine polyps will reduce the risks of the treatment procedure.

Can a cervical polyp be detected by a Pap test?

No, but routine pelvic exams and Pap tests can help detect and treat cervical polyps before they cause symptoms.