Can a groin injury affect your hip?

Can a groin injury affect your hip?

Groin Pulls or Tears When overstretched or overused, small tears can develop resulting in hip pain, swelling, and a dull ache in the groin area.

What causes groin pain on the right side of women?

10 more causes of right side groin pain for women Beyond muscle, ligament, or tendon injury, your groin pain could be the result of any one of various conditions, such as: Arthritis in your hip

How to tell if you have groin and hip pain?

Pain caused by a muscle strain gets worse with movement, especially when you: The pain comes on suddenly. Muscle spasms may occur. You may notice bruising or swelling in your groin and upper thigh. The range of motion of your hip may be reduced, and your leg might feel weak. You might have trouble standing or walking because of the pain.

What causes pain in right hip area in females?

Possible causes include muscle injury, osteoarthritis, and pelvic floor conditions. It can also occur during pregnancy. In this article, we look at some of the causes of hip pain in females, the treatment options, and when to seek help. A number of conditions can cause pain in the right hip.

What causes pain in the groin area after a fall?

A hip fracture—a bone break in the upper quarter of the thigh bone— may result from a fall or a direct blow to the hip, as well as osteoporosis, cancer, or a stress injury. The pain of a hip fracture is often felt in the groin and is significantly worsened with any attempt to flex or rotate the hip.

When to worry about groin pain?

You should call your doctor about pain around your groin when: Go to the emergency room if you have intense pain, or you have pain along with fever, chills, and nausea.

What causes low back and groin pain?

However, groin pain that presents with pain in the mid or low back, could be caused by a spinal condition like a herniated disc, pinched nerve, arthritis, or spinal stenosis.

What causes groin pain while walking?

Due to the presence of many organs around the groin region, the pain that hinders walking could be due to infection or non-infection. Some of the causes of groin pain when walking include: Muscle Strain and Hernia . Strained or pulled muscles that are located in the thighs and groin can result in groin pain.

Why does my groin hurt?

The most common cause of groin pain is a muscle, ligament, or tendon strain. This happens to a lot of men who play sports. The pain may happen right away or build over time.